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FO0415 SME Energy Awareness Survey

Dear FDF member, Thank you for agreeing to participate in this Defra/FDF Energy Awareness survey. The survey is being carried out by the University of Warwick as part of the Defra funded project FO0415 'Energy dependency and food chain security'. This survey is voluntary and should only take a few minutes to complete. We welcome further comments if appropriate. All replies will be treated as anonymous and in confidence although there is the opportunity at the bottom of the form to include your contact details if you wish. This is voluntary but would allow us to follow up your replies if required.
1. Have you considered any of the following as an alternative to your current gas or electric supply?
Tick one for each row option

2. If you have considered and rejected alternative energy sources, what was the basis of the rejection? (Note - physical constraint examples include poor site for wind or solar, planning constraints, inappropriate application for process used in factory, etc.)
Tick all that apply

3. Which comment below most accurately reflects your view on the on-going availability of energy?
Tick all that apply

4. What contingency plans do you have in place to mitigate the effect of energy supply disruption?
Tick all that apply

5. How would you describe Government responsibility for energy supply?
Tick all that apply

6. Which comment below most accurately refects your view on the future trends of energy prices?
Tick one

7. I understand the effect an energy price increase will have on the cost of my:
Tick all that apply

8. What is your approach to controlling energy costs?
Tick all that apply

9. What comment best reflects your understanding of energy costs?
Tick one

10. What level of energy reduction and sustainability training is given in your company?
Tick all that apply

11. Where you have implemented energy reduction options, what was the main driver behind the project?
Tick all that apply

12. Please could you give us some basic information about your company? This will be used to categorise the results by sector within the whole FDF membership.
What is your company's annual turnover (£million)
Please tick one

We are happy to provide individual feedback to respondents. If you would like to know how your company compares to the overall average or wish us to contact you to provide more detailed follow-up material, please complete your contact details below. Thank you for completing the survey.
Privacy notice
We appreciate your time and help in completing this Energy Awareness survey - thank you. All replies will be treated as confidential and no data which personally identifies you will be used in our final report. The data you provide is used solely to help Defra and the Food and Drink Federation understand the energy issues faced by SMEs.

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at

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