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International Work

CHEW works with local, national, and international partners on many projects around the world. Particular interest lies in applying health economics to evaluate interventions and policy tackling infectious diseases, mental health and strengthening health systems.

Infectious Diseases

CHEW, together with LSTM, carried out the economic evaluation for the first large-scale, multi-country clinical trialLink opens in a new window to examine shortened regimens for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Jason Madan and colleagues found that the shortened regimen allowed people to work more hours and save money on nutritional supplements, and generated considerable health care savingsLink opens in a new window. Jason also contributed to the economic evaluation for STREAM-II, which compared alternative shortened regimens. View the results hereLink opens in a new window.

Peter Auguste, Jason Madan, and others from Warwick Evidence carried out analysis which informed NICE recommendationsLink opens in a new window on testing and treating Latent TB. Peter and Jason presentedLink opens in a new window this work in Kuala Lumpur to Health Ministry officials and academics from Monash Malaysia.

Jason Madan and Sam Sutherland are working with researchers from Warwick SBIDER, SWISS Tropical and Public Health Institute, and other institutions on the HAT-MEPPLink opens in a new window project, looking at the costs and effectiveness of strategies to eliminate Human African Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness). They are analysing elimination strategy costs in a range of affected countries, to help develop locally cost-effective approaches to eliminating this neglected tropical disease.

Mental Health

The MILESTONELink opens in a new window study investigated the transition between child and adult mental health services in 8 European countries. Jason Madan and Alastair Canaway conducted the study economic analysis, which provided detailed information on health costs across the CAMHS/AMHS boundary in seven of the MILESTONE countries. View the publication hereLink opens in a new window. Jason also presented key findings to young people and their families, clinicians, and policy makers at the MILES TO GOLink opens in a new window conference held in Westminster in 2019.

The NIHR Global Health Research Group on Psychosis Outcomes (WIC) is a WMS-led group investigating ways to reduce the burden of psychotic disorders in India. Jason Madan is Health Economics lead for WIC, and is supervising Jasmine Bhogal for her PhD on household and healthcare costs associated with psychosis in India.

The TRANSFORM study, also lead by WMS, is exploring how to work with traditional and faith healers to improve access to care and outcomes for individuals with psychosis in Nigeria and India. Jason Madan and Henry Nwankwo are responsible for the health economic component of TRANSFORM, which will include testing novel health economic benefit measures in these settings.

Health Systems Strengthening

CHEW works closely with the Warwick Centre for Global HealthLink opens in a new window on a number of international projects. One such is the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Improving Health in SlumsLink opens in a new window is conducting research with partners in Nigeria, Kenya, Pakistan and Bangladesh to understand healthcare availability and use in slums, and how this can be improved. Jason Madan is leading health economics research conducted by the network, which includes Discrete Choice Experiments to capture how slum dwellers value different attributes of health facilities when choosing between themLink opens in a new window, and (with Warwick Computer Science) developing tools to depict access to health facilities and identify slum areas with the poorest access.

The REACHOUTLink opens in a new window consortium is an EU-funded project researching the role of community health workers in Africa and Asia. Jason Madan has supported REACHOUT with Heath Economics advice, including supervising REACHOUT project manager Meghan Bruce Kumar for her PhD on QI for community health workers. This has led to several publications exploring the economic case for investing in community health services, and a novel methodological approachLink opens in a new window to the economic evaluation of complex health service interventions.

Jason Madan with the health economics team for the STREAM trial, including colleagues from India, Ethiopia, Moldova and Uganda.

Peter Auguste and Jason Madan visiting the Monash University campus in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Jason Madan visiting maternal health care facilities in Nairobi, Kenya.