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Visiting Fellows

Visiting associates are individuals of appropriate academic/professional standing who are employed by another university or similar institution and are visiting the University to carry out research or teaching-related activity.
Information on how to apply to visit the Division of Health Sciences, Warwick Medical School, are detailed on this page.
The following members of staff are willing to host a visitor:

Please do contact a member of staff to find out if they are willing to host your visit to the School. Please complete the form found here so that we have a record of your interest in visiting the Division. Thank you.

For more information please contact Stephanie Smart S dot J dot Smart at warwick dot ac dot uk or Claire New C dot E dot New at warwick dot ac dot uk

Visiting Fellow publications:

Jayasekera et al. BMC Public Health (2022) 22:1825

For more information about the process please contact Stephanie Smart:

S dot J dot Smart at warwick dot ac dot uk

Please note that Visiting Fellows should be self-funded. There is no remuneration for a visiting association and there is no employment relationship with the University.

There is a detailed application form to complete once you have secured a member of staff willing to host your visit.