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Health and Safety

Information and training for specific hazards, Quemis Hazard Grid and Laboratory noticeboards.
Risk Assessment & Emergency Procedures
Forms and guidance for risk assessments, COSHH, SSoW, emergency procedures including travel risk assessment.
Departmental Health and safety committee, Department SOPs and procedures.
All students and staff are responsible to one another for their personal safety and for the safety of the others. While working in the Department you must be made aware of our Health and Safety policy, rules, procedures and guidance which have been produced for our laboratories, work areas and offices.

The University document on Leadership and Management of H&SLink opens in a new window sets out the responsibilities that each person within the organisation has for maintaining the safety of the workplace.

H&S Action Plan

A Health and Safety Action Plan sets out the activities which have and are taking place. The plan supplements the on-going health and safety activities that continue throughout the department and the hosted RTPs.

Overall, the required objectives are:

  • The H&S initiatives driven through the University by Council, University Health and Safety Executive Committee (UHSEC), University Health and Safety Committee (UHSC) and by the Heads of Departments/Schools (HoD);
  • A positive health and safety culture;
  • Compliance with the Leadership and Management of Health and Safety at the University of Warwick document;
  • Compliance with legal requirements or best practices for health and safety in all activities;
  • Competence throughout our workforce (staff and contractors).
Link to action planLink opens in a new window

Training Needs Analysis

Health and safety training is a key aspect of health and safety management and an important driver in promoting a positive health and safety culture throughout the University.

In accordance with the Leadership and Management of Health and Safety at the University of Warwick document a training needs analysis is required and implemented by the department of Physics. This analysis will ensure that mandatory health and safety training requirements for staff and students are identified for each post.

Staff and students who do not conduct any work on university sites (e.g., distance learning students) will not be required to complete the training specified in this document.

The Departments Training Needs Analysis (document under review)

Health and Safety - Departmental Safety Policy

The Department recognises its responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - “to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and welfare at work” of staff, students and visitors.

The Health and Safety of everyone in the Department, working, studying or visiting for whatever reason, is one of our highest priorities so as to avoid wherever possible accidents, injuries or ill health with all the implications entailed.

All aspects of the Department’s health and safety measures are under constant review, to ensure that legal requirements form the minimum level of acceptable operations, and to pursue progressive improvements of performance.

The Head of Department has overall responsibility for the formulation and review of Department policy, and to ensure its implementation. Full responsibilities are set out in the Head of Department's Health and Safety Statement of Intent for Physics.

A Safety CommitteeLink opens in a new window has been established to assist with the management of health and safety and to communicate health and safety matters to all members of the Department. The names of the members of the Safety Committee are published in our documentation.

A member of the Safety Committee designated the Departmental Radiation Protection Supervisor is responsible for the implementation of ionising radiation rulesLink opens in a new window [local and national], monitoring the use of radiation, and training staff. A member of the department has been appointed as Deputy DRPS.

A member of the Safety Committee designated the Department Laser Officer has been appointed to record and monitor the use of lasersLink opens in a new window.

A member of the Safety Committee has been appointed to provide advice on the use of chemicals.

A member of the Safety Committee is responsible for the disposal of waste.Link opens in a new window

There are also trained Group Radiation Protection Supervisors in areas where radiation is used and a group of First Aiders.Link opens in a new window

The Department is committed to maintain these positions, develop individual skillsLink opens in a new window and to ensure that individual competences are maintained, and will also call upon specialist advice wherever required.

The Department will maintain resources which are adequate for the delivery of health and safety and for planning future requirements.

The Department has produced special rules and guidance on safe operating procedures. These documents are available from the Health and Safety Officer and are also posted on the safety pages of the Department’s web site. These rules are to be followed at all times, and are written in addition to any similar rules available from the University Safety Office website.Link opens in a new window

Signed: Mark Newton
Head of Department
Date: July 2024

There is nothing so important that it cannot be done safely!

Chemical Safety Advice: Chemical Safety Adviser, Kate Thompson
Departmental Advice or Guidance: Health and Safety Officer, Stephanie Andrews-Brown 
Health and Safety Committee: Chair, Tom Hase, x73885.
In case of an emergency contact security on:
x22222 on landline or
024765 22222 on mobile. Evacuation procedure Departmental first aiders
Accidents, Incidents and Near Misses
All accidents, incidents and near misses that occur on the University campus, or when acting on behalf of the University must be reported to Health and Safety Services as soon as practicable, using the on-line Incident Reporting system (Assure).
Health and Safety Mandatory Training
1. H&S Induction
2. Fire Safety
3. DSE (Display Screen Equipment)

Link to all courses here.

Mandatory training courses are to be completed upon starting work at the University and refreshed every 3 years thereafter.

Link to Health and Safety Services Webpages

Link to Staff Wellbeing Services