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Recent Outreach Activities

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Knowledge Transfer Partnership led by Professor Steven Brown graded outstanding!

The recently finished Knowledge Transfer Partnership led by Professor Steven Brown from our NMR group funded by Innovate UK in partnership with AstraZeneca to improve pharmaceutical product quality and manufacturing processes has been graded as outstanding!

Read the case study.

Thu 24 Feb 2022, 10:02 | Tags: announcements, Research, Awards

Join the Theory Group seminar with Professor Sir Michael Berry

Professor Sir Michael Berry from the University of Bristol will be leading the Theory Group Seminar on Friday 25 February titled 'Superoscillations in Waves: old, new, common, uncommon.

Everybody is welcome and no registration is required.

13.00 GMT in L4, Physics or join the virtual event.

Mon 21 Feb 2022, 14:45 | Tags: announcements

Work experience opportunities now available!

Each year, our department offers a small number of work experience placements for students in Years 10-12. The placement will provide a broad insight into physics and what it would be like to work in a busy university physics department.

Applications are now invited for work experience taking place 11-14 April 2022 (inclusive).

Find out more about the work experience placement.

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