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Warwick CSDA - Events

CSDA Seminar Series

The CSDA runs a monthly seminar series, featuring talks from experts in the field of Space Domain Awareness. Details of upcoming seminars and past recordings can be found here.

For more information, or to register interest in giving a talk, please contact the seminar coordinators: Paul Chote and Nick Watkins.

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Space Café: Environmental Protection, Climate Change, and their Correlation Pleiades with Orbital Space

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Moriba Jah presents this Space Café session in partnership with SpaceWatch.Global, offering some candid discussion about this topic, and raising awareness globally about this issue.

  • Why do many Climate Change people exclude environmental protection?
  • Are environmental protection and climate change synonymous?
  • What anthropogenic inputs are there to the environmental impact on land, air, oceans, and space?
  • Is there a Correlation Pleiades that shows the interdependencies between the earth, air, ocean, and space environments? Is anyone doing the science to find out?
  • Does inequity, prejudice, culture, and other elements play a significant role in our environmental detriment, and how so?
  • What possible funding sources and resources are there to bring to bear on this wicked problem? What’s missing and why?

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