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The theoretical cooling sequences of Bédard et al. (2020, ApJ, 901, 93)Link opens in a new window are provided below. These calculations rely on white dwarf models characterised by a homogeneous and equimassic carbon/oxygen core, a helium mantle, and an outermost hydrogen layer. Two standard envelope compositions are considered, corresponding to a thick (qHe= 10–2, qH= 10–4) and a thin (qHe= 10–2, qH= 10–10) hydrogen layer. In each case, 23 cooling sequences covering stellar masses M = 0.2 to 1.3 MSun are available. See Bédard et al. (2020) for details, including a discussion of the differences with respect to the previous generation of cooling sequences introduced by Fontaine et al. (2001, PASP, 113, 409)Link opens in a new window.

The name of a given file specifies the stellar mass and the thickness of the hydrogen layer; for instance, seq_060_thick refers to M = 0.6 MSun and qH= 10–4. For each stellar model, the quantities given are, in this order, the effective temperature, surface gravity, radius, cooling age, photon luminosity, central temperature, central pressure, central density, fraction of crystallised mass, location of the crystallisation front, neutrino luminosity, and total mass fractions of hydrogen, helium, carbon, and oxygen. Cgs units are used throughout, and the header indicates which quantities are expressed as logarithms.

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