Richard Ashley
I am an MSc student in the Astronomy and Astrophysics group at the University of Warwick. My supervisor is Prof. Tom Marsh.
I am looking for computing techniques to automate the reduction of the data that we are getting from the Ultracam camera. This will allow us to create a complete catalogue of all of our observations on this device over the last 10 years or so. Giving us a wealth of archived and new (previously unprocessed) data.
This data is then processed into an online archive for use by the observers. An example can be seen here: NN Ser (white-dwarf and M-dwarf binary)
The software also produces videos of all of the science runs. An example of the eclipse of NN Ser, can be seen here.
NN Ser goes into eclipse. As seen by the Ultracam through the William Herschel Telescope on the night of 6 September 2012
Light curve of the polar CV, V834 Cen, showing 3 orbital periods (101 mins each)
I am a fan of Javascript and I love to push it to it's limits. You can see some examples on my Experiments with <canvas> web site.
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Richard Ashley