Morgan, D.P., West, A.A., Garces, A., Catalan, S., Dhital, S., Fuchs, M., Silvestri, N. 2012, The effects of close companions on the magnetic activity of M dwarfs, AJ, 144, 93
- Cappetta, M.; Saglia, R. P.; Birkby, J. L.; Koppenhoefer, J.; Pinfield, D. J.; Hodgkin, S. T.; including Catalan, S. 2012, The first planet detected in the WTS: an inflated hot Jupiter in a 3.35 d orbit around a late F star, MNRAS, 427, 1877
- Goulding, N. T.; Barnes, J. R.; Pinfield, D. J.; Kovács, G.; Birkby, J.; Hodgkin, S.; Catalán, S.; Sipőcz, B.; Jones, H. R. A.; Del Burgo, C.; 2012, J-band variability of M dwarfs in the WFCAM Transit Survey, MNRAS, 427, 3358
- Catalan, S., Tremblay, P.-E., Pinfield, D., Smith, L.C., Zhang, Z.H., Napiwotzki, R. et al. 2012, The brightest pure-H ultracool white dwarf, A&A Letters, 546, 3
- Pinfield, D.J., Burningham, B., Lodieu, N. including Catalan, S. 2012, Discovery of the benchmark metal-poor T8 dwarf BD +01 2920B, MNRAS, 2821
- Garces, A., Catalan, S., Ribas, I. 2011, Time evolution of high-energy emissions of low-mass stars. I. Age determination using stellar chronology with white dwarfs in wide binaries, A&A, 531, 7
- Day-Jones, A.C., Pinfield, D.J., Ruiz, M. T., et al. including Catalan, S. 2011, Discovery of a T dwarf + white dwarf binary system, MNRAS, 410, 705
- Ribas, I., Porto de Mello, G.F., Ferreira, L.D., Hebrard, E., Selsis, F., Catalan, S., Garces, A., do Nascimento, J., de Medeiros, J.R. 2010, Evolution of the Solar Activity Over Time and Effects on Planetary Atmospheres. II. κ1 Ceti, an Analog of the Sun when Life Arose on Earth, ApJ, 714, 384
- Silvotti, R., Catalan, S., Alcala, J.M., Grado, A. and Capaccioli, M., 2009, White Dwarfs in the Capodimonte Deep Survey, A&A, 497, 109
- Isern, J., Garcia-Berro, E., Torres, S. and Catalan, S., 2008, Axions and the cooling of white dwarfs, ApJL, 682, 109
- Catalan, S., Isern, J., Garcia-Berro, E. and Ribas, I., 2008, The initial-final mass relationship of white dwarfs revisited: effect on the luminosity function and mass distribution of white dwarfs, MNRAS, 387, 1693
- Catalan, S., Ribas, I., Isern, J. and Garcia-Berro, 2008, WD0433+270: an old Hyades stream member or an iron-core white dwarf?, A&A, 477, 901
- Catalan, S., Isern, J., Garcia-Berro, Ribas, I., Allende Prieto, C., and Bonanos, A.Z. 2008, The initial-final mass relationship from white dwarfs in common proper motion pairs, A&A, 477, 213
All papers and proceedings (NASA ADS).