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Curriculum Vitae

Dr Jonathan Girven

Education and Research:

PhD in Astronomy & Astrophysics - University of Warwick, UK - 2008 to 2012

Thesis title: Degenerate objects in large scale surveys

  • Front-line research focused on the combination and analysis of large-scale astronomical data sets, searching for common features and statistical outliers.
    • Data sets include hundreds of millions of stars each with thousands of pieces of information in hundreds of tables.
    • Regularly shifting scales by orders of magnitude; fine-grained detail to overview.
  • Developed SQL queries to extract information from the databases.
  • Wrote Python codes for data analysis, statistics and graphical representation (~100,000 lines).
    • Code library of approximately 200 functions and classes made available and regularly utilised by the Astronomy group at Warwick.
    • Trouble-shooting problems and closing the feedback loop with the user community.
  • Combined large databases using fast and reliable programming.
    • Profiled code to improve efficiency.
  • Created and fitted models to data.
    • Statistical analysis, such as Chi2-tests and Monte Carlo simulations.
  • Created MySQL white dwarf astronomical database, made available to the research group.
  • Four first author papers and a multitude of collaborative works in highly regarded journals including: Science, Astrophysical Journal and Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

IT/Technical Skills:


Fluency in Python. Familiarity with Android development, C++, Java, SQL and Unix shell scripts.

Operating Systems

Adept at both Unix/Linux and Windows operating systems.

Android Development

Search for “MetWeather” on Google Play. Shows real-time weather data across the south coast.


Research Post – California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA – June to Oct 2010 and Oct to Dec 2011

  • Two extended research projects at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), Caltech.
  • Project focused on working with the NASA space telescope, Spitzer.
  • Data processing and statistical analysis using custom written Python code.
  • Networking with peers at IPAC, Caltech and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

Part time Windsurf Instructor – OnBoard Surf & Sail – 2010 to 2012

  • Windsurf instructor teaching groups of ~10 students (adults or children).
  • Responsible for safety, classroom, and on-water instruction.
  • Requires in depth lesson planning as well as being able to adapt to varied weather conditions which may render the plan useless.
  • Need to adapt presentations, material and style to the level of the audience.

Assistant to Risk Project – Capital Risk Management through Witan Jardine Agency – 12/09/07 – 20/09/07

Verifying company and personal expenses. Key Skills: Organisation and financial proficiency.

Administrative Assistant in HR Department – New Star Asset Management through Witan Jardine Agency – 09/08/07 – 17/08/07

Responsible for verifying the references of new staff members, including contacting the staff member and the referee. Key Skills: Working in a team and communicating with a large variety of individuals.

Web Design Work Experience – IBM, Hursley – Spring 2000

Two weeks work experience designing a website in the Innovation Center at IBM, Hursley. Self organised for secondary school work placement.

Other Achievements:

Conference Presentations, Posters and Media

  • Oral presentations to ~50 scientists and peers at two astronomy conferences.
  • Presentation of a poster to the physics department at the University of Warwick.
  • Planned, prepared and led mathematics workshops for physics undergraduates.
  • Experiment demonstrator in an electronics laboratory for physics undergraduates.
  • Trained and mentored younger PhD student.
  • Documented my research in HTML/CSS feeds facilitating collaboration with professionals.
  • Conference calls and collaboration with a number of colleagues across the world, including the USA, Germany and Chile.

Masters of Physics 1st Class – University of Warwick, UK – 2004 to 2008

  • Modules including: Mathematical methods, Quantum Phenomena, Stars and Galaxies, Electrical Power Generation and Global Warming to name a few.
  • The course had a strong emphasis on group projects, presentations, laboratory experiments and report writing.
  • Final year project in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

A Levels Peter Symonds College, Winchester – 2002 to 2004

Mathematics (A), Physics (A), Economics (A) and Computer Science AS (A).

Interests and Extracurricular Involvement:

University of Warwick Windsurf Club President – 2009 to 2012

  • Responsible for organising trips, both to the local reservoir, Devon and abroad.
  • Club instructor teaching all levels from groups of 20 beginners to one-on-one advanced sessions.
  • Responsible for club finances, including yearly accounts and budgets, cash flows, and a number of successful applications for additional funds, amounting to several thousand pounds for the club.

Warwick Surf and Warwick Snow Club – 2009 to 2012

  • Involved in a number of surfing and snowboarding trips.
  • Regular driver for the clubs, including organising transport and people.

Five-a-side Football – 2011 to 2012

Member of a successful, ‘Leamington Spa five-a-side world cup’ winning, five-a-side football team.

Jonathan Girven

Write to:

Jonathan Girven,

Department of Physics,
University of Warwick,
Coventry CV4 7AL

Contact details:
