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Marcelo Aron Fetzner Keniger


I am a PhD student in the Astronomy and Astrophysics group at the University of Warwick. My supervisors are David Armstrong and Matteo Brogi. My research focuses on developing a novel method for measuring the amount of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere by using astronomical spectroscopic observations.

I got my MSc in Astronomy from Aarhus University, Denmark, where I was supervised by Simon Albrecht and worked alongside Emil Knudstrup. My thesis involved analysing the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect in selected systems and trying to obtain improved obliquity measurements by employing what is historically known as the Doppler tomography or Doppler shadow method.

Besides that, I'm also interested in detection and characterisation of exoplanets, the study of Solar System objects, climate science and astrobiology.

Publication list available hereLink opens in a new window, updated September 2023.


NOT - a telescope for the future La Palma June 7th-10th 2022 Attended
UKEXOM 2023 University College London August 8th-10th 2023 Presented (posterLink opens in a new window)
UKEXOM 2024 University of Birmingham April 9th-11th 2024 Presented (posterLink opens in a new window)
Exoplanets V Leiden University June 16th-21st 2024 Presented (posterLink opens in a new window)
RMetS Early Career and Student Conference 2024 University of Exeter July 1st-3rd  
RMetS Annual Weather and Climate Conference 2024 University of Reading July 8th-10th  

Teaching and outreach

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) for Physics Programming Workshop (PX159): Academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024
  • GTA for Astrophysics Laboratory III (PX451): Academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024
  • Planetarium manager (2023-present): I am one of the planetarium managers for the University of Warwick inflatable planetarium. We take the planetarium to primary schools to carry out shows for the children. On occasion, we also host visits to the University and the Marsh Observatory. As planetarium manager, I handle all of the administrative part, which includes processing schools' requests, gathering volunteers, sorting out transport of the equipment to the schools, and any other matter involving the planetarium.

Write to:

Marcelo Aron Fetzner Keniger,
Department of Physics,
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL

Contact details:


A1.07 (Millburn House)