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Science and Science Fiction

A side interest of mine is researching into representations of science and scientists in science fiction, and the use of science fiction as a pedagogic tool for both formal teaching and public engagement.

Habitability and Science Fiction Studies


Public Outreach talks

I offer Science of Sci-Fi public talks on topics including Spacecraft, Cosmic Catastrophes, The science of "Interstellar", or Our Moon in Science and Science Fiction. These can be pitched at a variety of levels and lengths depending on audience. Examples of these include:

  • Online talk: Mars in Science and Science Fiction, National Astronomy Week (November 2020). This talk can be found on youtube as part of the session at

    An 18 minute version of this talk can be found online here:

  • Public talk: “By the Light of the Silvery Earth: the Moon in Science and Science Fiction, at Warwick Museum (Jul 2019) and Warwick University (December 2019)
  • Public outreach talk on “The Science of Interstellar”, delivered to several different groups (since 2018) including at the Artix Arts Centre, Bromsgrove, as part of an Arts and Science festival (2020).
  • “Science of Sci-Fi: Spaceflight” science outreach talk designed for public science communication (delivered five times to different groups, ranging from schools to amateur astronomy societies, 2014-2020).
Image illustrating Cosmic Stories blog
If you're interested in the connection between science and science fiction, you may wish to read my "Cosmic Stories" blog entries on the subject!

Exploring Titan

Considering Saturn's largest moon, Titan, as a world in science and science fiction.