Celebrating 21 years of Astronomy at Warwick
The Astronomy & Astrophysics group at the University of Warwick is coming of age in 2024!
We are hosting a three-day meeting in September 2024 to commemorate our history and, importantly, celebrate the legacy of our group's founder, Prof. Tom Marsh.
The Astronomy & Astrophysics Group was founded in September 2003 with just a single permanent academic: Tom. Since then the group has grown substantially; it now comprises more than 80 researchers in diverse fields that cover a vast range of scales across the Universe, covering compact binaries, exoplanets, debris disks, theoretical simulations, stellar populations, gravitational wave and transient astronomy, space domain awareness, astrophysical instrumentation, and more.
In the two decades since the group's founding it has carried out some fascinating research that has made significant contributions to a range of fields. The conclusion of our 21st year seemed like a good time to both celebrate Tom's legacy and commerate the work (so far) of the group that he set up.
The first two days of the meeting will be dedicated to Tom's scientific legacy. The third day will focus on the history of the Astronomy & Astrophysics group. Please see the programme page for more information.
The meeting will be held in the Faculty of Arts Building which is in the centre of Warwick's main campus.
For more information, see the links above and to the right (below on mobile).
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Prof. Tom Marsh
When: 4th - 6th Sept. 2024
Where: University of Warwick
Registration: registration form
Registration fee: £10 for students, £57 for others
Registration opens: 17th May 2024
Registration deadline: 2nd August 2024
Hybrid? remote participation provided on a best effort basis
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