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Literature related to MARMOT

Software Implementation

[1] C E Patrick and J B Staunton, "MARMOT: magnetism, anisotropy, and more, using the
relativistic disordered local moment picture at finite temperature", Electronic Structure, 4, 017001, (2022).Link opens in a new window

DLM Theory

[2] B L Györffy, A J Pindor, J B Staunton, G M Stocks and H Winter, "A first principles theory of ferromagnetic phase transitions in metals", J. Phys. F: Met. Phys. 15, 1337 (1985)Link opens in a new window

[3] J B Staunton, L Szunyogh, A Buruzs, B L Györffy, S Ostanin and L Udvardi, "Temperature dependence of the magnetic anisotropy: An ab initio approach", Phys. Rev. B 74, 144411 (2006)Link opens in a new window

[4] C E Patrick and J B Staunton, "Rare-earth/transition-metal magnets at finite temperature: Self-interaction-corrected relativistic density functional theory in the disordered local moment picture", Phys. Rev. B 97, 224415 (2018)Link opens in a new window