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Report on ‘Extreme Nanowire, Phase Formation and Molecular Encapsulation in Atomically Thin Capillaries: Practice, Theory and Experiment’ Physics Day, 3rd July 2018

The Physics Day was essentially a workshop concerned with experimental electron microscopy and theoretical modelling of ‘Extreme Nanowires,’ the smallest nanowires that can be formed down to a single atom width, and also discrete molecules formed on a similar scale. The Physics Day included contributions from four Warwick speakers, including two PhD students, UK speakers Prof. Andrei Khlobystov, Dr. Thomas Chamberlain and Dr. Andrew Morris from the Universities of Nottingham, Leeds and Birmingham respectively, and also the distinguished International Speaker Prof. Kazu Suenaga from the AIST in Tsukuba, Japan. This event was also used as a preamble for the EMAG (Electron Microanalysis and Analysis Group) meeting which was taking place in Warwick during the same week (i.e. 6th-8th July).

The Physics Day was very well attended with the two conjoined rooms (i.e. MAS 2.05 and MAS 2.06) being filled almost to capacity throughout the entire meeting. There were several attendees from outside Warwick including some EMAG attendees and several students and PDRAs from the external Universities mentioned above. A small poster session consisting of about five posters was held during the lunch break. All of the oral presentations were well received with lively questions and answers sections at the end of each talk. Along with the previous Psi-K meeting also held in Warwick Physics on the 13th September 2017, these are the first workshops ever held in the UK on this unique and developing topic.

["Physics Days at Warwick" are academic meetings, proposed and organized by members of the Physics Department at Warwick and their friends, to further the vision of Warwick as an exciting place to do science. Topics can span all of the natural sciences and encompass all academic activities related to research, teaching and administration.]