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Researchfish submission deadline

FINAL REMINDER: we all, staff and RCUK-funded PhD students (normally in their third year of study), have until Thursday, March 16th, 2017 (inclusive) to complete our “researchfish” submissions. Please make sure that you have indeed “submitted”. Your reward should be an email similar to the one I received below. So, if in doubt whether you have indeed been successful in finding the “submit” button on researchfish, you can also search for “successfully submitted the award” among your received emails (please make sure you search the 2017 one, not last years).

> On 09/03/2017, 10:57, "" <> wrote:


> Dear Rudolf Roemer,


> Thank you, you have successfully submitted the award EP/Jxxxxxx/1 to Researchfish.


> You are able to resubmit by simply clicking the submit button again until the submission period closes. Any previous submissions will be overwritten.


> If for any reason you need to submit after the close date you will need to contact your funding organisation.


> If you require any additional help or information please use the Help Centre located on the website.


> Regards,

> The Researchfish Team

Wed 15 Mar 2017, 17:26 | Tags: Funding and Scholarships, Research