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Dept News

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"Pint of Science" returns to Coventry for 2019

Staff and students from the Physics department will again contribute to Coventry's "Pint of Science" festival this year, to be held from 20-22 May in venues around the city. Departmental representatives include Jessica Marshall, Matthew Hoskin, Sam Seddon, Tishtrya Mehta, and Alun Rees.

Easter Planetarium shows

17, 19 & 21 April

Experience a show in the Physics inflatable planetarium and hear from the Warwick astronomers who use it to deliver outreach.

Free; booking is essential.

Departmental Promotions

Congratulations are offered to:

  • Anne-Marie Broomhall and Dmitri Veras on their promotions to Senior Research Fellow
  • Richard West on his promotion to Principal Research Fellow
  • Rachel Edwards, Yorck Ramachers and Neil Wilson on their promotions to Reader

Mysterious white dwarf pulsar discovered

  • University of Warwick researchers identify a white dwarf pulsar – a star type which has eluded astronomers for half a century
  • Star lashes its neighbour with intense radiation beam every two minutes
  • Research published in Nature Astronomy

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