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Warwick Theoretical Physics Group Seminars - 2023/24

Date Speaker Title
29th September 2023

Hayata Yamasaki (University of Tokyo, Japan)

General Quantum Resource Theories: Maximal Resources, Catalytic Replication, and Asymptotically Consistent Measures

13th October 2023 Lucas Goehring (Nottingham Trent University, UK) Active Spaghetti: Collective Organization in Cyanobacteria
20th October 2023

Sascha Wald (Coventry University, UK)

Aspects of quantum random walks: From stochastic resetting on networks to the influence of localization on entanglement

27th October 2023

Dominic Branford (Heriot-Watt University, UK)

Sensing and imaging by Hong–Ou–Mandel interference

3rd November 2023 Nir Gov (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)

The geometry of decision-making in collectives and individuals

10th November 2023 Clara Wanjura (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany)

Non-Hermitian topology and directional amplification

17th November 2023 Calum Brown (University of Cambridge, UK)

Unravelling Metastable Open Quantum Systems

24th November 2023

Lucia Hackermuller (University of Nottingham, UK)

Non-equilibrium molecule association revealing emerging coherence

1st December 2023

Madalin Guta (University of Nottingham, UK)

Optimal estimation of quantum Markov chains

8th December 2023

Mattia Walschaers (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel)

Quantum-inspired metrology and metrology-inspired quantum optics
19th January, 2024 Gerardo Adesso (University of Nottingham) Every quantum helps
26th January, 2024 Frank Schlawin (Max-Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Germany) Quantum Information Theory in Nonlinear Spectroscopy
2nd February, 2024 Gunnar Pruessner (Imperial College London, UK) Field theories of active matter
9th February, 2024 Alberto R Gonzalez (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain) Quantum chaos in a system of interacting bosons: Stationary and dynamical features
16th February, 2024 Achilleas Lazarides (Loughborough University, UK)

Stark Many-Body localisation and clean discrete time crystals

23rd February, 2024 Carrie Weidner (University of Bristol, UK)

Building the coldest place in Bristol: atomic physics for quantum technologies

1st March, 2024 Davide Michieletto (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Topologically active polymers

8th March, 2024 Debarshi Das (University College London, UK)

Probing non-classicality of macroscopic mass and gravitational field

15th March, 2024 Weibin Li (University of Nottingham, UK)

Explore novel spin-boson coupled dynamics with trapped Rydberg ions

10th May 2024 Jerome Jackson (STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK)

Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW in Questaal