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Group Members

PhD students

Yaoqi Cao (JUNO, 2023)

Wonjong Chang (nuSTORM, joint Warwick-RAL PhD programme, co-supervision with Dr. Stefania Ricciardi, 2023)

Ziou He (JUNO, 2023)

Mariam Rifai (JUNO, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, co-supervision with Prof. Livia Ludhova, 2023)

Qiyu Yan (JUNO, Visiting Research Student from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2023)

Matthew Snape (DUNE, WarTPC, 2022)

Weijun LiLink opens in a new window (T2K, 2021)

Federico BattistiLink opens in a new window (DUNE, 2020-2024, Thesis: Development of a novel Kalman filter and its application to neutrino interaction measurements in next-generation time projection chambers)

Komninos-John Plows (Link opens in a new windowMINERvA, DUNE, T2K, 2020-2024, Thesis: Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons in the MINERvA detector)

Kang YangLink opens in a new window (DUNE, 2019-2023, Thesis: Measurement of the pion charge exchange differential cross section on Argon with the ProtoDUNE-SP detector)

Associate Members and Visitors

Dr Hanjie Cai, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (accelerator development, 2023)

Dr Marian Ivanov, GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Germany (DUNE, 2023-)

Dr Alexander Deisting, University of Mainz, Germany (WarTPC, 2022-)

Dr Philip Hamacher-Baumann, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (WarTPC, 2022)


Funded PhD positions by STFC, Chancellor's International Scholarship (CIS), China Scholarship Council (CSC)Link opens in a new window , and SJTU-Warwick Joint PhD Programme:

  • Potential PhD thesis topics to start in autumn 2025:
    • JUNO: measure neutrino mass ordering using atmospheric neutrinos; search for proton decay.
    • T2K, SBND: the first TKI measurements with the (upgraded) Near Detector.
    • WarTPC/DUNE: measure the properties of novel gas mixtures; further develop the readout system; construct a laser calibration system.