LO1 Show understanding of recent and current developments in teaching and learning in their area of expertise.
LO2Identify and critically evaluate the key principles underpinning leading edge approaches, methods and debates in the teaching and learning of their area of expertise and relevant age phase.
LO3Understand critically analyse and implement current theories and practices in pedagogy and methodology in their area of expertise and relevant age phase.
LO4 Critically reflect on their own practice to demonstrateappropriate knowledge and pedagogic skills and knowledge needed for a rigorous and innovative approach to teaching in their area of expertise and relevant age phase.
LO5 Present a well-reasoned and appropriately substantiated argument for pedagogies in the subject, drawing on evidence from a variety of sources and synthesising ideas as appropriate.
To enable students to become effective, competent and professionally aware secondary teachers in their area of expertise.
To provide students with an overview of the National Curriculum (where appropriate) and developments in teaching and learning within their area of expertise.
To develop an understanding of and engage critically with current theories and practices in the pedagogy of their area of expertise.
To facilitate the acquisition of and critical engagement with the pedagogical approaches underpinning classroom skills.
To enable students to develop the critical skills needed for to reflect on and evaluate their own progress in becoming an outstanding teacher of their subject and develop a clear set of teacher beliefs and values associated with the very best in the profession.
To ensure that students are able to reflect critically on their own practice as well as that observed in their placement school(s).
LO1. Critically engage with and reflect on recent and current developments in Secondary Education.
LO2.Identify the key principles underpinning leading edge approaches, methods and debates currently being used in secondary education.
LO3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of relevant legislation and policies underpinning the professionalrole of the teacher.
LO4. Draw on recent and current approaches, methods and debates in teaching and learning to improve own practice.
LO5. Show awareness of the diverse needs of learners, and to understand and apply a range of strategies to meet these needs
LO6. Recognise and respond to the barriers associated with underachievement in schools and the responsibility of the teacher to move learning / learners on.
LO7.Present a well-reasoned and appropriately substantiated argument, drawing on evidence from a variety of sources and synthesising ideas as appropriate.
To develop the knowledge and understanding needed to be an effective teacher using both University and school-based context for developing professionalattributes, understanding and ambition.
2. To facilitate critical engagement with a range of professionaland classroom issues using experiences with specialist staff and / or pupils designed to highlight key features of / for professionalstudy and practice.
3. To create consistent levels of challenge and support in a collaborative setting.
4. To develop reflective capacity through engaging in evidence-based dialogue that is focused on classroom behaviours and the impact these have on learners.
5. To introduce classroom-based enquiry as a pedagogic device for innovating classroom practice and improving outcomes for pupils.
Successful students will demonstrate secure knowledge that:
LO1 Effective professionaldevelopment is likely to be sustained over time, and involve expert support/coaching and opportunities for collaboration
LO2 Teachers are key role models, who can influence the attitudes, values and behaviours of their students
L03: Teachers have the ability to affect and improve the wellbeing, motivation and behaviour of their pupils
L04 The ability to self-regulate emotionally affects pupils’ ability to learn and succeed in school and in their future life
L05 Effective teaching can transform pupils’ knowledge, capabilities and beliefs about learning
LO6 Reflective practice, supported by feedback from and observation of experienced colleagues, professionaldebate and learning from educational research is likely to support improvement
LO7 Teachers can influence pupils’ resilience and beliefs about their ability to succeed by ensuring all pupils have the opportunity to experience meaningful success
LO8 Teachers can make valuable contributions to the wider life of the school in a broad range of ways; including by supporting and developing effective professionalrelationships with colleagues
To provide students with a range of high-quality opportunities to meet the statutory Teachers' Standards at a level appropriate for a newly-qualified teacher, enabling them to become effective, competent, professionally aware teachers in secondary education.
1. To equip students with skills to select from and apply an appropriate range of teaching and learning strategies to ensure that learning is progressive and challenging for all learners.
2. To develop and expand students' knowledge of subject pedagogy and how to apply it to successful learning in secondary education
3. To develop reflective practice as fundamental evidence base for professionaldevelopment and a necessary part of meeting the Teachers' Standards.
4. To ensure that students who are recommended for QTS meet all the national statutory requirements and the Teachers' Standards.
5. To develop students’ understanding and realisation of the appropriate professionalcharacteristics and attributes for teaching
6. To facilitate a research-informed critical engagement with practical classroom skills, using a range of resources and online technologies.
CTE offers a number of conferences throughout the year and all trainees are expected to attend them.