IER News & blogs
New special issue on 'Praxis in Guidance and Counselling: New Frontiers'
Deirdre Hughes OBE, Associate Professor, has been working with Guest Editors from Derby, Dublin and Maynooth Universities on a newly published British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, Special Issue on 'Praxis in Guidance and Counselling: New Frontiers'. An open link to the Introduction is available on the journal website.
Career experts' conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidance
This article, co-authored by Dr Sally-Anne Barnes and Professors Jenny Bimrose and Alan Brown, reports the findings from a phenomenographic study of career experts’ conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidance settings. The results show that conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidance varied from minimal, aspirational, strategic to systemic.
IER research rated highly at IAEVG conference
A range of IER research was presented at the recent 44th International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) online international conference 'Maximizing Potential of Career Guidance'. The conference was attended by career guidance and counselling professionals to share research and practice on how career guidance can maximise the potential of individuals and communities, education and economies.
Journal Special Issue on Decent Work, Inclusion and Sustainability
Along with IER Associate Fellow Dr Deidre Hughes OBE and Professor Maria Eduarda Duarte of the University of Lisbon, IER’s Chris Warhurst has guest edited a special issue of the British Journal of Guidance and Counselling (Vol. 49) on Decent Work, Inclusion and Sustainability. Just published, the special issue examines the implications for career guidance and working life transitions in the context of rising inequalities and inclusion deficits in labour markets internationally.
Together with Deirdre Hughes, Emma Benger and Mandy Ifans, Chris Warhurst also co-authored an article in this special issue on Building better futures: decent work, inclusion and careers support services in the UK.
Career: how to keep a professional employable?
As an invited panel speaker Sally-Anne Barnes joined the Career Summit on 28 October, organised by the Municipality of Porto through the Cidade das Profissões in Portugal.
The panel comprising Jaana Kettunen, Daniela Lourenço, Luís Sottomayor, Artur Queiróz and Gregoire Evequoz discussed how to keep a professional employable.
Sally-Anne drew upon recent research for the European Commission on lifelong guidance policy and practice undertaken with Jaana Kettunen from the Finnish Institute for Educational Research.
The panel was hosted by Carolina Maria de Bessa Ferreira from Cidade das Profissões and moderated by Teresa Espassandim, a specialist in vocational psychology and career development.