Articles in refereed journals
Bimrose, J. (1985). Selection Issues and Women. In Guidance and Assessment Review, 1, pp 1-5.
Brown, A.J. & Bimrose, J. (1992). Progression into Higher Education: social science admissions tutors’ views on the qualities required of prospective entrants. In The Social Science Teacher, 22, 1, pp 2-6.
Brown, A.J. & Bimrose, J. (1993). Admissions to higher education: current practice and future policy,. In Journal of Access Studies, 8, 2, pp 154-169.
Bimrose, J. & Wilden, S. (1994). Supervision in Careers Guidance: empowerment or control? In British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 22, 3, pp 373-383. [ISSN 0306-9885]
Bimrose, J. & Bayne, R. (1995). The multicultural framework in counsellor training In British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 23, 2, pp 259-265. [ISSN 0306-9885]
Bimrose, J. & Bayne, R. (1995). Effective Professionals engaged in reflective practice: a response to Kidd et al. In British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 23, 3, pp 395 - 399. [ISSN 0306-9885].
Bimrose, J. & Bayne, R. (1997). Taking the Debate Forward in Small Steps: A Reply to Morrison. In British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 25,1, pp 103-105. [ISSN 0306-9885]
Bimrose, J. (2001). Girls and Women: Challenges for Careers Guidance Practice. In British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 29, 1, pp 79-94. [ISSN 0306-9885]
Bimrose, J. (2004). Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: An Ethical Dilemma for Career Guidance? In British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 32, 1, pp 109-123. [SSN 0306-9885]
Barnes, S-A., Green, A.E., Orton, M. & Bimrose, J. (2005). Redressing gender inequality in employment: the national and sub-regional policy ‘fit’. In Local Economy, 20 (2), pp 162-175.
Brown, A., Bimrose, J. & Hughes, D. (2005). Bringing Guidance Research and Practice closer together: the UK National Guidance Research Forum Website. In the International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 5, pp 229-240.
Bimrose, J. & Barnes, S-A., (2006). Is career guidance effective? Evidence from a longitudinal study in England. In Australian Journal of Career Development, 15 (2), pp 19-25. [ISSN 1038-4162]
Bimrose, J. & Barnes, S-A., (2007). Styles of career decision-making. In Australian Journal of Career Development, 16, (2), pp 20-29.
Bimrose, J. & Artess, J. (2007). Research into career-related interventions for higher education: What do we know and what do we need to know? In Career Research & Development, 17, pp. 12-15.
Bimrose, J., Brown, A., & Barnes, S-A. (2008). Researching careers, learning and identities: Career attachments as anchors or chains?. In Perspectives in Education, 26, 3, pp. 71-81. [ISSN 0258-2236]
Attwell, G., Bimrose, J., Brown, A., & Barnes, S-A. (2008). Mature Learning: Mash up Personal Learning Environments. Mashup Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE08), 388, 78-86. (ISSN 1613-0073)
Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A. & Brown, A. (under submission). Career progression, career decision-making and professional learning. Journal of Education and Work.