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IER Professor Noel Whiteside - Publications

Academic Journal Articles (refereed journals)

  • 'Welfare insurance and casual labour: a study of administrative intervention in industrial employment', Economic History Review, XXXII, Nov. 1979, 507-522
  • 'Unemployment and the public record', Society for the Study of Labour History Bulletin, no. 38, 1979, 57-59
  • 'Education and the state: the growth of central control', Journal of the Society of Archivists, Spring 1979, 15-19
  • 'Welfare legislation and the unions during the First World War', Historical Journal, 23, 1980, 857-874
  • 'Industrial welfare and labour regulation in Britain at the time of the First World War', International Review of Social History, 25, 1980, 307-331
  • 'Welfare legislation and the unions after the First World War: a reply', Historical Journal, 25, 1982, 443-446
  • 'Industrial relations and the public record', Society for the Study of Labour History Bulletin, 47, 1983, 42-46
  • 'Central control and the approved societies: access to social support under the interwar health insurance scheme', Society for the Social History of Medicine Bulletin, 32, 1983, 28-31
  • 'Private agencies for public purposes: some new perspectives on policy making in health insurance', Journal of Social Policy, 12, 1983, 165-193
  • 'The National Health Insurance scheme revisited', Journal of Social Policy, 12, 1983, 525-529
  • 'Wages and welfare: industrial bargaining and union benefits before the First World War', Society for the Study of Labour History Bulletin, 51 pt.III, 1986, 21-34.
  • 'Counting the cost: sickness and disability among working people in an era of industrial recession', Economic History Review, XL, 1987, 228-246
  • 'Unemployment and health', Journal of Social Policy, 17, 1988, 177-194
  • 'Deconstructing unemployment: developments in Britain in the interwar years', Economic History Review, XLIV, Nov. 1991, 665-682 with James Gillespie.
  • 'La protection du métier: l'organisation industrielle et les services des syndicats dans l'Angleterre de la fin du dix-neuvième siècle', Les Cahiers d'Histoire de l'Institut de Recherches Marxistes, no. 51, 1993, 29-51.
  • 'The revolution that failed: public administration and labour policy in Britain, 1880-1918', Jahrbuchs fur Europeanische Verwaltungsgeschichte, no 5, 1993, 57-83.
  • 'La recherche du consensus: politiques des revenus salariaux et sociaux dans la Grande Bretagne de l'après-guerre', Genèses: sciences sociales et histoire, 18, Jan. 1995, 47-67.
  • 'Creating the welfare state, 1945-60' Journal of Social Policy 25, 1, 1996, 83-103
  • ‘Regulating markets: the real costs of poly-centric administration under the National Health Insurance Scheme’, Public Administration, 75, 3, 1997, 467- 85
  • ‘Comparing welfare states: social protection and industrial politics in France and Britain, 1930-60’, Journal of European Social Policy, 8, 2, 1998, 139-155 with Robert Salais
  • ‘In search of security: earnings-related pensions in Britain and Europe’ History and Policy 2003, 8 pp.
  • ‘William Beveridge desde una perspectiva histórica: una reinterpretación del Informe Beveridge’ Sociológica del Trabajo, nueva época, num. 48, primavera de 2003, 87-110
  • ‘Une comparaison des systèmes de protection sociale en Allemagne, en France et en Grande Bretagne’, Histoire et Sociétés, 6, 2003, 22-41
  • ‘Historical methods for comparing pension policies’, Cross National Research Papers: European Cross National Research and Policy, 7th series, ‘The Impact of Methodological Approaches to the Study of Welfare’, 2004, http:/// 21-30
  • ‘Adapting private pensions to public purposes: historical perspectives on the politics of reform’, Journal of European Social Policy, 16, 1, 2006, 43-54
  • ‘Unemployment in comparative perspective’, International Review of Social History, 52, 2007, 35-56
  • ‘The promotion of capabilities in Sweden: a case study of the contraction of the shipbuilding industry in Gothenburg.’ International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 29, 11/12, 2009, 587-99 with Steven Gascoigne
  • ‘Human rights and ethical reasoning: capabilities, conventions and spheres of public action’, Sociology: 46, 5, 2012, 921-935 with Alice Mah
  • ‘Shifting responsibilities in Western European pensions systems: what future for social models?’, Global Social Policy, 12, 3, 2012, 266-83 with Bernhard Ebbinghaus
  • ‘Introduction’ Global Social Policy, special issue, Governing Pension Fund Capitalism in Times of Uncertainty special issue Global Social Policy, 12, 3, 2012, 241-46 with Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Mitchell Orenstein.
  • ‘Constructing unemployment: Britain and France in historical perspective’ Social Policy and Administration, 48, 1, 2014, 67-85.
  • ‘Privatisation and After: time, complexity and governance in the world of funded pensions’ Transfer 20, 1, 2014, 67-79
  • ‘Who were the ‘unemployed’? Conventions, classifications and social security law in Britain, 1911-34’ Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung, 40, 1, 2015, 150-169
  • The Beveridge Report and Its Implementation: a Revolutionary Project?, Histoire@Politique. Politique, culture, société, n° 24, septembre-décembre 2014 [en ligne,]

Other Journal Articles

  • 'Faction and Impeachment in the Reign of Charles II' Polichronicon, (Liverpool), 1972, pp.17-23.
  • 'Unemployment and Health: a summary of recent research', Bulletin of Labour Market Research, (Canberra), 16, 1985, pp.10-14.
  • ‘Private Agencies for Public Purposes’ Talking Politics, 10, 3, 1998, pp.162-65
  • ‘The State We’re In’, The Financial Review, Sept 2003, pp. 43-5.
  • ‘If this is pension reform, then it is back to the drawing board Mr Brown’, Parliamentary Brief, 10, 10 (2006) pp.18-21
  • ‘Pension reform? Another raw deal for the poor old Brits’, Parliamentary Brief, 10, 11 (2006); pp. 22-3
  • ‘A Pensions Bill that does not do what it says on the tin’, Parliamentary Brief, 11, 5, (2007) pp.21-2
  • ‘Asking the low paid to save? Are you mad?’ Parliamentary Brief, 11, 8, (2007) pp. 10-11
  • ‘A winner for Brown? Boost the pension’ Parliamentary Brief, 11, 9, (2008)pp. 13-14
  • ‘How will tomorrow’s survivors survive?’ Parliamentary Brief, 13, 4, (2011) 21-2
  • ‘The pensions web which Mr Webb has to unweave’ Parliamentary Brief, 13, 7 (2011): 27-8 with Bernard Casey
  • ‘One sex doesn’t fit all’ Parliamentary Brief, 13, 11 (2011): 12-13 with Bernard Casey.


The following does not include work on administrative histories of government departments, now forming part of the National Archive’s Current Guide, Part 1.

  • Casual Labour: the Unemployment Question and the Port Transport Industry, 1880-1970, (Oxford University Press, 1985) pp. 324. Co-author, Gordon Phillips.
  • Bad Times: Unemployment in British Social and Political History (Faber & Faber, 1991) pp. 147
  • Developments in the British Welfare State, 1939-1951 (HMSO, 1992) pp.180. Co-authors, Andrew Land and Rodney Lowe.
  • Aux sources du chômage: une comparaison interdisciplinaire France - Grande Bretagne (Editions Belin, Paris, 1994) pp. 467 Co-editors, Malcolm Mansfield, Robert Salais
  • Governance, Industry and Labour Markets in Britain and France: the modernising state in the mid-twentieth century (Routledge, London, Jan 1998) pp. 295. Co-editor, Robert Salais
  • Pension Security in the 21st Century: redrawing the public-private divide (OUP, Oxford, autumn 2003) Co-editor, Gordon Clark
  • Britain’s Pensions Crisis: history and policy (British Academy / Oxford University Press, 2006) Co-editors Hugh Pemberton, Pat Thane
  • Transforming European Employment Policy: labour market transitions and the promotion of capability (Elgar 2012) Co-editors Robert Salais and Ralf Rogowski
  • Governing Pension Fund Capitalism in Times of Uncertainty special issue Global Social Policy, 12, 3, (2012) Co-editors Mitchell Orenstein and Bernhard Ebbinghaus

Contributions to edited books

Under my sole authorship, unless stated otherwise.

  • 'Public policy and port labour reform', in S. Tolliday and J. Zeitlin (eds) Shop Floor Bargaining and the State (Cambridge University Press, 1985) 75-108.
  • 'Social welfare and industrial relations, 1918-1939' in C.J.Wrigley (ed.) A History
  • of British Industrial Relations Vol. II, 1914-1939, (Harvester, 1987) 211-242.
  • 'The social consequences of unemployment', in A. Booth and S. Glynn (eds.) The Road to Full Employment, (Allen and Unwin, 1987) 17-31.
  • 'The British population at war' in J.M. Turner (ed) Britain and the First World War, (Unwin Hyman 1988) 85-98.
  • 'Concession, coercion or cooperation? State policy and industrial unrest in Britain during the first world war' in L. Haimson and G. Sapelli (eds) Strikes, Social Conflict and the First World War, (Annali, Feltrinelli Foundation, 1990/1991) 107-123
  • (a)'Définir le chômage: traditions syndicales et politique nationale en Grande Bretagne'
  • (b)'Introduction, troisième partie: Politique'
  • (c)'Introduction générale' (co-author, R. Salais)
  • in M. Mansfield, R. Salais and N. Whiteside (eds), Aux sources du chômage, 1880-1914 (Editions Belin, Paris, 1994) 381-412; 281-295; 5-33
  • ‘Aiming at consensus: the politics of the “social” and the “industrial” wage in Britain after the second world war’ in MIRE Comparing Social Welfare Systems in Europe, vol 1, Oxford Conference, ( Imprimerie nationale, 1995) 509-535.
  • 'Employment policy: a chronicle of decline?' in D. Gladstone (ed.), British Social Welfare, (UCL Press, 1995) 52-71.
  • 'Prottegere il mestiere: l'organizzazione sindicale in Gran Bretagna prima della grande guerra' in M. Antonioli e L. Ganapini (eds) I sindacati occidentali dal'800 ad oggi in una prospettiva storica comparata (Saggiatore B. Mondadori, 1995) 51-73
  • 'Industrial relations and social welfare, 1945-1979' in C.J. Wrigley (ed.) A History of British Industrial Relations, vol. III, 1939-1979 (Edward Elgar, 1996) 107-128
  • ‘Le syndicalisme docker en Grande Bretagne après la seconde guerre mondiale’ in M. Pigenet (dir), Le syndicalisme docker depuis 1945 (Presse Universitaire de Rouen, 1997) 117-30.
  • 'The politics of the 'social' and the 'industrial' wage, 1945-60' in H. Jones and M. Kandiah (eds), The Myth of Consensus? (Macmillan, 1997) 120-139
  • 'Le Welfare state britannique: le produit d’une tradition libérale’ in P. Auvernon, P. Martin, P. Rozenblatt et M. Tallard (eds), L'Etat a l'épreuve du ‘social’ (Editions Syllepse, 1998), 108-114.
  • ‘Employment policy’ in N. Ellison and C. Pierson (eds.), Developments in British Social Policy (Macmillan, 1998) 97-112
  • ‘Les politiques économiques et les politiques industrielles en France et Grande Bretagne (1930-1960)’ in F. Guedj et S. Sirot (dir), Histoire sociale de l’Europe occidentale au XXème siècle (Editions Seli Arslan, Paris, 1998) 165-180.
  • (a) ‘Introduction’ (with R. Salais)
  • (b)‘The state and the labour market: employment in the public sector’
  • in Whiteside and Salais (eds) Governance, Industry and Labour Markets (Routledge, 1998) 5-38; 373-402
  • ‘Private agencies and public purposes’ in J. Le Grand and W. Bartlett (eds.) A Revolution in Social Policy: quasi-market reform in the 1990s (Polity Press, 1998) 201-17
  • 'Les bases multiples des syndicats' (with M. Dreyfus, S. Kott, M. Pigenet) in J.L. Robert, F. Boll, A. Prost (dir) L'invention des syndicalismes: le syndicalisme en Europe occidentale à la fin du XIXe siècle (Paris, Sorbonne, 1998) 269-85
  • ‘L’organisation du travail et le développement du syndicalisme dans les ports britanniques’ in Guillon et Mencherini (dir) Dockers, de la Méditerranée a la Mer du Nord (UMR, TELEMME, 1999) 63-75
  • 'Towards a "modern" labour market?' in B. Conekin, F. Mort, C. Waters (eds), Moments of Modernity? Reconstructing Britain, 1945-64 (Rivers Oram Press 1999), 76-96
  • ‘Private provision and public welfare’ in D. Gladstone (ed) Before Beveridge: Welfare before the Welfare State (IEA, 1999) 26 – 43
  • ‘La Charte de la Mutualité et la loi de 1911 en Grande Bretagne’ in M. Dreyfus, B. Gibaud et A. Gueslin (dir) Démocratie, Solidarité et Mutualité: autour de la loi de 1898, (Editions Economica, Paris, 1999) 208-220.
  • ‘From full employment to flexibility: Britain and France , 1960-2000’ in Bo Strath (ed) After Full Employment: European discourses on work and flexibility (Peter Laing, Brussels, 2000) 107-135
  • ‘Accounting and Accountability: an historical case study of a public-private partnership’ in R. Rhodes (ed.) Transforming British Government vol 2 (Macmillan, 2000) 167-182
  • ‘Introduction’ (with Gordon Clark) in G.L. Clark and N. Whiteside (eds.) Pension Security in the 21st Century (OUP, 2003): 1-21 & 21-42
  • ‘Historical perspectives and the politics of pension reform’ in G.L. Clark and N. Whiteside (eds.) Pension Security in the 21st Century (OUP, 2003): 1-21 & 21-42
  • ‘L’Angleterre: la naissance d’une logique assurantielle’ in D. Assayag, F. Guedj et P. Toucas-Truyen (dirs), La santé en Europe: entre marche et solidarité, (L’Editions de l’Atelier, Paris, 2003) 43-47
  • ‘Chômage et inaptitude en Grande Bretagne de la fin du XIXe siècle aux années trente’ in C.Omnes et S. Bruno (dirs), Les mains inutiles: inaptitude au travail et emploi en Europe, (Editions Belin, Paris, 2004) 224-48
  • ‘The Multiple Foundations of Trade Union Organisation in Nineteenth-Century Germany, France and Britain,’ (with Dreyfus, Kott and Pigenet) in J-L. Robert, A. Prost, C.Wrigley (eds.) The Emergence of European Trade Unionism. (Aldershot, Ashgate), 215-232.
  • ‘Security and the working life’ in R. Salais and R. Villeneuve (eds), Towards a European Politics of Capabilities, (Cambridge University Press, 2004)
  • ‘Comparing welfare states: conventions, institutions and political frameworks in France and Britain since 1945’ in J-C Barbier et M-T Letablier (dirs), Politiques Sociales: enjeux épistémologiques et méthodologiques des comparaisons internationales (Laing, Brussels, 2005) 211-229
  • ‘Private pensions and public policy: the public-private divide reappraised’ in G.L. Clark, A. Munnell and M. Orzag (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Pensions and Retirement Income (OUP, Oxford, 2006) 684-702
  • ‘Syndicalismes et l’Etat social’ (with M. Dreyfus, P. Pasture and E. Nijhof) in M. Pigenet, J-P Robert et P. Pasture (dirs), L’Apogée des syndicalismes en Europe occidentale: 1960-85, (Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, 2006) 81-109
  • ‘Estado y relaciones de trabajo en Gran Bretaña. Un estudio de caso – el trabajo portuario’ in S. Castillo (et al.) Estados y relaciones de trabajo en la Europa del siglo XX, (Ediciones Cinca, 2007) 187- 213
  • ‘Constructing unemployment: Britain and France in historical perspective’ in T. Riis and M. Hansen (eds.) Poverty: its degrees, its causes and its relief (Solivegus – Verlag, Kiel, 2008) 103-127
  • ‘La protección social en Gran Bretaña … el caso del seguro sanitario’ in S. Castillo (coord.) La Previsión Social en la Historia (Siglio, 2009) 519-53
  • ‘L’assurance sociale en Grande Bretagne 1900-1950’ in Michel Dreyfus (dir.) Les assurances sociales en Europe (Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009) 127-58.
  • ‘Creating public value’ in J. Benington and M. H. Moore (eds), Public Value: theory and practice (Palgrave, 2011) 74-89
  • ‘Les derives du ‘New Public Management’ in Le travail reinventé: un defi pour l’Europe’ A. Bourgouin and R. Salais (dirs) Nantes 2011: 46-7.
  • ‘Creating collective capability: historical perspectives on co-ordinated public action’ in R. Rogowski, R. Salais and N. Whiteside (eds), Transforming European Employment Policy: labour market transitions and the promotion of capability (Elgar 2011) 157-81
  • ‘Introduction’ with R. Rogowski and R. Salais in in R. Rogowski, R. Salais and N. Whiteside (eds), Transforming European Employment Policy: labour market transitions and the promotion of capability (Elgar 2011) 1-25.
  • ‘The Liberal era and the growth of state welfare’ in P. Alcock, M. May and S. Wright (eds) Social Policy (Wiley-Blackwell 2012 4th ed.) 117-24
  • ‘Lebenschancen und Wohlfahrt: Forderung der Gleichstellung von Mannern und Frauen im forgeschritten Alter’ in. B. Huber (ed) Kurswechsel fur ein gutes Leben (campus, Frankfurt am Main 2013) 130-149
  • ‘Organising labour markets: the British experience’ in S. Wadauer, T. Buchner, and A. Mejstrik The History of Labor Intermediation: Institutions and Individual Ways of Finding Employment in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (Berghahn Books forthcoming)
  • ‘Britain’s pension reforms: a new departure?’ in M. Jepson and D. Natali (eds) The New Pension Mix in Europe: Reforms throughout the Crisis’ (Peter Laing – 2015)

Departmental Working Papers

  • Industrial Organisation & the Nature of Work, CIRCIT Paper, 1990/4 pp. 29
  • Politics and Labour Markets: Constructing Unemployment in Twentieth Century Australia (ACIRRT Occasional Paper, University of Sydney, 1995) pp. 32
  • Gender Issues in European Pensions (Working Paper for CSIRO-Monash Superannuation Research Cluster, July 2014)

Commissioned Reports

  • 'Unemployment and Health: an Evaluation' (Report for the Australian National Bureau of Labour Market Research, June 1985) pp. 20
  • Constructing the Public-Private Divide: historical perspectives on the politics of pension reform Oxford Institute of Ageing: Working Paper No. WP102, 2002: pp24
  • Promoting Personal Saving: a report for Zurich Financial Services. With Bernard Casey (2011) pp 34
  • A Longitudinal Analysis of Superannuation Outcomes: Gender Differences CSIRO-Monash Research Cluster working paper CP2 2015-04: April 2015: pp.49 Co-authors: Paul Gerrans and Jimmy Feng
  • Reviewing Governance of Funded Personal Pensions in Australia and the UK CSIRO-Monash Research Cluster working paper CP2 2014-02, July 2015: pp. 21