Review of employer collective measures
IER was part of a consortium led by the Institute for Employment Studies (along with SKOPE, PRI and Ipsos Mori) commissioned to undertake a wide ranging review for the UK CES. The review comprised 5 projects – a Conceptual Review, Empirical Evidence Review, Policy Review, a Prioritisation Exercise and an Initial Economic Appraisal.
The Collective Measures study was designed to assess what policies might be introduced to raise, collectively across the economy, the volume and quality of vocational training undertaken by employers. This considered the policy responses in several European countries and in Australia. In many respects the study was concerned with how it is possible to shift the social contract towards one where the provision of training is writ large into employers' human resource development policies. It assessed a wide range of policy options. The output from the project contributed to the review of progress since the Leitch Report against skills and employment indicators, commented on current policies and targets, and made recommendations for improvement, as well as providing a baseline of measures against which to track future progress.
Duration :
28/08/2008 - 30/04/2009
Project Team:
Institute for Employment Studies