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Maximising apprenticeship completion rates

This project aims to provide LSC with an informed assessment of how high completion rates for apprenticeship rates can go, and will identify common factors mitigating against 100% success rates. The study will indicate, from a policy perspective, those factors which are within the control of the LSC and its partners, and those which are not. Comparisons will be drawn from apprenticeship systems in other countries, such as Scotland, Wales, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and France. In addition to a systematic literature review to identify the potential causes of high or low completion rates, quantitative analysis on data from individual learner records and minimum level of performance reports will be used to provide a rigorous and robust assessment of completion rates based on the characteristics of apprentices and training providers.

A copy of the report can be downloaded here.



March 2009 - June 2009

Project Team:

Terence Hogarth

Chris Hasluck

Maria de Hoyos

David Owen

Faye Padfield

Luke Bosworth
