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ReWAGE News Archive

Spotlight on Duncan Gallie (Nuffield College, Oxford)

ReWAGE is fortunate in having some of the UK’s foremost thinkers on its Expert Group, drawn from leading universities and research organisations from across the UK. Between them they have a huge breadth of knowledge, covering such subjects as the labour market, job quality, employment relations and the changing nature of work.

This week we are turning the spotlight onto ReWAGE expert Duncan Gallie Professor of Sociology (Emeritus Fellow) at Nuffield College, the University of Oxford.


Duncan Gallie joined Nuffield College as an Official Fellow in 1985 and became Professor of Sociology in 1996. He has been a Member of the EU’s Advisory Group on ‘Social Sciences and Humanities in the European Research Area’. He has been Vice-President Social Sciences of the British Academy (2004 -2006) and Foreign Secretary of the British Academy (2006-2011). In 2008 he was awarded a CBE for Services to Social Science.

His research is in economic sociology, in particular the quality of work and the social consequences of unemployment. He is currently working on two main projects. The first is a European study of the effects of economic change on the quality of work.The second is a research programme examining changes in skills and employment conditions in Britain from 1986 to 2023.

Thu 03 Aug 2023, 14:23

Two years of ReWAGE – providing expertise to inform work and employment policy

Since being launched in July 2021, the work and employment expert group ReWAGE has been incredibly productive – our experts have produced 40 evidence papers and policy briefings and responded to 8 major consultations.

The group’s outputs have been covered in the national, regional and specialist media, and its co-chairs and experts have presented at national conferences and forums, and to government ministers at a wide range of meetings, including several all-party parliamentary groups.

ReWAGE was created by Professor Chris Warhurst of the Institute for Employment Research at Warwick University, and Professor Irena Grugulis of the Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change at Leeds University.

Fri 28 Jul 2023, 10:23

ReWAGE in the news...

Links to ReWAGE's headlines, blogs and references.

ReWAGE has been featured in many publications over the last 2 years. We've contributed to blogs, conferences, meetings and been referenced in parliamentary reports and debates. We have also secured coverage in the national, regional and specialist press. Here are links to some of our stories.

Thu 13 Jul 2023, 10:55

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