Achtman, Mark
Mark Achtman
WMS- Microbiology and Infection
Warwick University
Email: M dot Achtman at warwick dot ac dot uk
Instructions to add a new entry
WMS- Microbiology and Infection
Warwick University
Email: M dot Achtman at warwick dot ac dot uk
Director of the Applied Statistics & Risk Unit
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick
Email: Martine dot Barons at warwick dot ac dot uk
WISB Monash Warwick Alliance Professor of Sustainable Chemistry (Chemical and Synthetic Biology)
Department of Chemistry
University of Warwick
Distinguished Professor
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Monash University
Email: g dot l dot challis at warwick dot ac dot uk
Assistant Professor
Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)
University of Warwick
Email: J dot Charmet at warwick dot ac dot uk at monash dot edu
Associate Professor
Warwick Business School (WBS)
University of Warwick
Email: Frederik dot Dahlmann at wbs dot ac dot uk
Faculty of Arts, School of Modern Languages and Cultures
University of Warwick
Email: O dot Davis at warwick dot ac dot uk
Senior Lecturer
School of Engineering
Monash University (Malaysia)
Email: ooi dot ean dot hin at monash dot edu
School of Physics and Astronomy
Monash Data Futures Institute
Monash University
Email: Ulrik dot Egede at monash dot edu
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
University of Warwick
Email: G dot Fowmes at warwick dot ac dot uk
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Email: t dot j dot gershon at warwick dot ac dot uk
Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research
University of Warwick
Email: R dot Hastings at warwick dot ac dot uk
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Monash University
Email: Matthew dot Hill at monash dot edu
School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies
Monash University
Email: Jakob dot Hohwy at monash dot edu
WISB Research Career Development Fellow
School of Life Sciences
University of Warwick
Email: Eleanor dot Jameson at warwick dot ac dot uk
Senior Lecturer
Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience
Monash University
Email: Laura dot Jobson at monash dot edu
Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food
Monash University
Email: Suzanne dot Kleve at monash dot edu
Senior Lecturer
School of Biomedical Sciences
Monash University
Email: Terry dot Kwok at monash dot edu
Associate Professor
School of Pharmacy
Monash University (Malaysia)
Email: shaun dot lee at monash dot edu
ARC Laureate Fellow
Biomedicine Discovery Institute
Monash University
Email: Trevor dot Lithgow at monash dot edu
Associate Professor (Reader)
School of Engineering
University of Warwick
Email: I dot K-K dot Liu at warwick dot ac dot uk
Associate Professor
Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)
University of Warwick
Email: C dot T dot J dot Low at warwick dot ac dot uk
Department of Microbiology
Monash University
Email: Dena dot Lyras at monash dot edu
Warwick Medical School (WMS)
University of Warwick
Email: J dot J dot Madan at warwick dot ac dot uk
Centre Director
Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM)
University of Warwick
Email: N dot Marres at warwick dot ac dot uk
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Warwick
Email: r dot maurer at warwick dot ac dot uk
Senior Lecturer
School of Engineering
Monash University (Malaysia)
Email: at ahmad dot mousa at monash dot edu
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Monash University
Email: Adrian dot Neild at monash dot edu
Associate Professor
Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic
Monash University
Email: Jason dot Ong at monash dot edu
Associate Professor
School of Chemistry
Monash University
Email:Katya dot Pas at monash dot edu
Department of Chemistry
University of Warwick
Email: S dot Perrier at warwick dot ac dot uk
Institute of Global Sustainable Development (IGSD)
University of Warwick
Email: J dot Porto at warwick dot ac dot uk
Drug Delivery, Disposition and Dynamics
Monash University
Email: Colin dot Pouton at monash dot edu
Department of Politics and International Studies
University of Warwick
Email: Shirin dot Rai at warwick dot ac dot uk
Deputy Director (Research)
Monash Sustainable Development Institute (MSDI)
Monash University
Email: Rob dot raven at monash dot edu
Warwick Business School (WBS)
University of Warwick
Email: Daniel dot Read at wbs dot ac dot uk
School of Life Sciences
University of Warwick
Email: David dot Roper at warwick dot ac dot uk
Associate Professor
School of Social Sciences
Monash University
Email:Wendy dot Stubbs at monash dot edu
ARC Future Fellow, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Co-Head, Infection and Immunity Research Program, Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute
Monash University
Email: Ana dot Traven at monash dot edu
School of Social Science
Monash University
Email: Jacqui dot True at monash dot edu
Associate Professor
School of Chemistry
Monash University
Email: [email][/emai
Department of Chemistry
University of Warwick
Email: P dot R dot Unwin at warwick dot ac dot uk
Department of Psychology
University of Warwick
Email: K dot A dot Wade at warwick dot ac dot uk
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Warwick
Email: L dot Walasek at warwick dot ac dot uk
Head of Department
Department of Chemistry
Warwick University
Email: M dot D dot Ward at warwick dot ac dot uk
Senior Lecturer
School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics
Monash University
Email: Chris dot Watkin at monash dot edu
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Warwick
Email: hongkai dot wen at warwick dot ac dot uk
Head of Department
Department of Paediatrics
Monash University
Email: Katrina dot Williams at monash dot edu
Associate Professor
School of Chemistry
Monash University
Email: Jie dot Zhang at monash dot edu