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Expert Comment

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Report on the future of children's health and wellbeing - expert comment

A new report by the WHO, the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) and the Lancet Commission looks at the future of the health and wellbeing of today's children. Warwick Medical School's Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown has praised this as a positive step, but argues that it could have gone further in recognising challenges to children's mental health.

Coronavirus declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

Global health law expert Dr Sharifah Sekalala comments on the WHO decision to declare 2019-nCoV a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

Prostate overtakes breast as 'most common cancer' - Expert comment

Professor Lawrence Young, Director of the Warwick Cancer Research Centre, University of Warwick, comments on the figures released today that show prostate cancer was the most common cancer diagnosis in 2018.

Mon 27 Jan 2020, 16:24 | Tags: WMS, Health, cancer, Expert comment, Health and Medicine, Public Health

Expert comment: Many poorer countries suffer a double burden of malnutrition

Dr Rishi Caleyachetty from Warwick Medical School, comments on the Lancet report published today.

Dr Raquel Nunes highlights the problems with extreme weather advice

Dr Raquel Nunes, Senior Research Fellow at Warwick Medical School, discusses the problems with extreme weather advice and outlines improvements to public health guidance on how to stay cool during the heatwave that the UK is currently experiencing.

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