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Professor Laura Green awarded OBE

Professor Laura Green, currently Head of the School of Life Sciences and deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (interdisciplinary research and impact) from September 1st, has been appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Queen’s Birthday Honour’s list for her services to the health and welfare of farmed livestock.

University of Warwick study to help understanding of childhood epilepsy

A University of Warwick study to understand a form of epilepsy that affects children has received a grant from the charity Epilepsy Research UK.

Ebola: lives to be saved with new management approach

Ebola outbreaks are set to be managed quickly and efficiently – saving lives – with a new approach developed by an international team of researchers, including the University of Warwick.

Bill Gates praises University of Warwick’s impact in fight against Neglected Tropical Diseases

Speaking at the Geneva summit on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), Bill Gates, co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, today applauded the efforts of University of Warwick scientists in protecting the world’s poorest people from NTDs.

Wed 19 Apr 2017, 09:06 | Tags: School of Life Sciences

Catapult open for business with £1m investment in cutting-edge lab capacity to support UK drug discovery

World-class technology and expertise are now available to UK drug discovery companies as a result of new laboratory facilities developed by the Medicines Discovery Catapult and launched this month at the University of Warwick.

Teaching biology to all: Professor Kevin Moffat's Inaugural Lecture

Making biology exciting and accessible to everyone will be at the heart of Professor Kevin Moffat’s inaugural lecture as a Professorial Teaching Fellow at the University of Warwick this week.

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