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Mental health screening study to protect students’ wellbeing during pandemic

The mental health and wellbeing of students at the University of Warwick during the COVID-19 pandemic will be tested, tracked, and tackled by internationally renowned psychologists at the institution.

Warwick University Estates Team gives Leamington school a lockdown makeover

The University of Warwick’s Estates team has completed a redecoration and maintenance project at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School in Leamington Spa during lockdown.

1000+ face masks from Shanghai to Warwick will equip local care homes

More than 1000 face masks, donated to the University of Warwick by its partner Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China, will help protect key workers in care homes across Coventry and Warwickshire.

Midlands Medictech company Medherant in partnership to develop multiple new products with tech developed at University of Warwick

Midlands Medictech company Medherant has just this month (May 2020) signed a  partnership agreement with Cambridge based Cycle Pharmaceuticals to develop multiple new products using Medherant technology developed by University of Warwick chemistry researchers. Coventry based Medherant’s TEPI Patch® Technology uses transdermal delivery technology (a patch that can simply be applied to the skin) and medicines for rare diseases combine to deliver significant quality-of-life benefits for patients.

New website helps Warwick staff and students to volunteer in their community

Local staff and students at the University of Warwick are being encouraged to volunteer in their communities during the COVID19 pandemic – to support food banks, deliver essentials and provide essential assistance in the region’s NHS hospitals.

The University is also encouraging local organisations that require volunteers to get in touch to see whether members of the Warwick community can help – with people already involved in delivering vital support to local organisations, including using Warwick vehicles to transport supplies for local food banks.

Tue 21 Apr 2020, 14:52 | Tags: University of Warwick

Five ways in which University of Warwick staff and students are assisting in the response to the pandemic

Left to right University of Warwick Chemistry stores manager Steve Dawson; Neil Gillespie, Senior Civil Engineering Technician School of Engineering; Alan Warwood Head of Facilities in Estates;  & Kevin Murphy Chemistry Core technician with one of the loads of PPE supplies delivered to UCHW “There are many ways in which universities can actively assist in the response to the pandemic. Many of our staff and students have not just been asking how they can help but they have simply got on and done so. Here are just five of things those colleagues and students are doing now, some of whom are named below. I want to give my personal thanks to each and every one of them make note of what they have done to help. I hope very soon to be able to tell you about even more about the work of many more of our dedicated staff and students I these challenging times”

Professor Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick
Thu 26 Mar 2020, 12:47 | Tags: University of Warwick, Engineering, research, Chemistry, WMS

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