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Funding for joint Warwick-Aston Engineering Biology research paves the way for enhanced sustainable manufacturing and drug discovery

A team of academics from The University of Warwick and Aston University has secured a £1.8m grant to engineer microbial cell factories to produce membrane proteins which will support future drug screening and sustainable chemical production.

New technique for engineering living materials and patterns

A new method for engineering living materials called ‘MeniFluidics’, made by researchers at the University of Warwick could see a transformation in tissue engineering and bio-art, as well as new ways to research cellular interactions.

Midlands Medictech company Medherant in partnership to develop multiple new products with tech developed at University of Warwick

Midlands Medictech company Medherant has just this month (May 2020) signed a  partnership agreement with Cambridge based Cycle Pharmaceuticals to develop multiple new products using Medherant technology developed by University of Warwick chemistry researchers. Coventry based Medherant’s TEPI Patch® Technology uses transdermal delivery technology (a patch that can simply be applied to the skin) and medicines for rare diseases combine to deliver significant quality-of-life benefits for patients.

A new understanding of everyday cellular processes

We use cells to breathe, to moderate body temperature, to grow and many other every day processes, however the cells in these processes are so complex its left scientists perplexed into how they develop in different environments. Researchers from the University of Warwick say future research needs to look into the bioelectrical composition of cells for answers.

Ventilators, visors, volunteers and testing - More than a dozen more ways Warwick staff & students are helping respond to the pandemic

I promised to come back to you soon to tell you about even more about the work of many more of our dedicated staff and students I these challenging times and today I am keeping that promise. Here many more ways in which our students and staff are helping from ventilators, visors, and volunteering to helping produce more COVID-19 testing ,and providing online computing experiments for primary school children now learning at home.

In many cases we can’t name the individuals as we want to leave them in peace to get on with their work but where we can they are named below.

Once again I want to give my personal thanks to each and every one of them – they are all inspiring people that are helping us all in these difficult times.”

Professor Stuart Croft

Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick

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