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University of Warwick’s work with local businesses commended by government report

The University of Warwick has been praised for its collaborative work with local businesses and the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) by the government

Robot welding gets 5 times faster as €4 Million project replaces guess work with maths

Remote Laser Welding is rapidly emerging as a powerful replacement for spot welding technology in vehicle manufacturing. It promises 5 times the speed of spot welding and far more efficiency – however this can only be achieved through a frustrating process of guess work and trial & error today. Now WMG has been awarded 4 Million Euros to lead a project that will replace guess work and wasteful trial & error with precise mathematical modelling.

Tue 31 Jan 2012, 08:32 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

Poorly targeted aid and lack of capital leaves small businesses struggling following natural disasters

New research from the University of Warwick suggests the way foreign aid is distributed following a natural disaster in developing countries does little to help small firms recover.

Founder of MORI organisation among those to be honoured at University of Warwick graduation

The founder of leading public research organisation MORI, a distinguished meteorologist and a key figure from the Royal Shakespeare Company will all receive Honorary Degrees from the University of Warwick during its winter degree ceremonies.

Major investigation into the role of elected mayors launched

A major investigation into the role of elected mayors in local government in the UK is launched on Monday, November 21, 2011 by the University of Warwick, less than a week after the Localism Act passed into law. The Warwick Commission on elected Mayors and city leadership will set out the challenges and opportunities presented by the government's proposals to introduce elected mayors in core cities in England over the next two years.

Lack of part-time jobs in senior or well paid roles force new mothers to abandon successful careers

New research from the University of Warwick suggests many women in the UK are being forced to go back to work full-time or abandon their careers after having a child because of a lack of part-time work, particularly those in senior or highly-paid roles.

Tue 01 Nov 2011, 12:12 | Tags: Social Affairs, Business and Management

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