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Making science crystal clear – Warwick’s Science Gala welcomes public next week

Fancy learning how to grow a crystal, make lightening or dance like a sound wave? Youngsters with a passion for science will be able to enjoy some real-life experiments at the University of Warwick’s Science Gala next week.

Unfit people are more physically active because of Sweatcoin the app that pays you to walk

More people are physically active due to the Sweatcoin app which rewards you for walking – researchers at the Institute of Digital Healthcare, WMG at the University of Warwick have found. Sweatcoin gets people outdoors and walking to earn a virtual currency to spend in their marketplace.

Tue 22 Jan 2019, 09:03 | Tags: University of Warwick, IDH, WMG, app, Sciences

WMG and GEFCO to revolutionise automotive battery supply chain

A new innovation hub is being launched at WMG in partnership with GEFCO today. The Hub will focus on cutting edge research into the future of automotive supply chains, the dual challenges of electrification and using and reusing resources for as long as possible.

Tue 22 Jan 2019, 08:35 | Tags: University of Warwick, supply chains, WMG, Business, Batteries, Sciences

New research finds that artificial intelligence can dramatically cut time needed to process abnormal chest x-rays

New research has found that a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) system can dramatically reduce the time needed to ensure that abnormal chest X-rays with critical findings will receive an expert radiologist opinion sooner, cutting the average delay from 11 days to less than 3 days. Chest X-rays are routinely performed to diagnose and monitor a wide range of conditions affecting the lungs, heart, bones, and soft tissues.

Tue 22 Jan 2019, 08:24 | Tags: University of Warwick, WMG, AI, Biomedical Engineering, Sciences

Brendon Batson OBE receives Honorary Degree from the University of Warwick

Brendon Batson OBE has today, the 16th January 2019, been awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters from the University of Warwick for his contribution to Football.

Wed 16 Jan 2019, 15:36 | Tags: University of Warwick, Honorary Graduates, graduates, Coventry

Discovered: different brain areas linked to smoking and drinking

Academics at the University of Warwick have found that low functional connectivity of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex that is associated with the tendency to smoke is associated with increased impulsiveness - which may contribute to the tendency to smoke. The high connectivity of the reward-related medial orbitofrontal cortex in drinkers may increase the tendency to be attracted to the reward of alcohol consumption.

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