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Addressing sustainability in a round-about way

One of the University of Warwick’s picturesque roundabouts has been crowned Roundabout of the Year 2024, recognising its impact on promoting biodiversity and protecting the local ecosystem of bees, butterflies, and insects.

Wed 09 Aug 2023, 08:23 | Tags: School of Life Sciences, Environment, sustainability

Olive oil and fresh, sun-ripened plant-based foods: the Mediterranean Diet as a winning combination for health

University of Warwick researcher unravels the secrets of the Mediterranean Diet

A researcher from the University of Warwick says that to promote better health within Western societies, it's essential to reshape our food culture. This means moving away from unhealthy, ultra-processed, sugar-laden, and fibre-depleted foods and gravitating towards wholesome, fibre-rich, plant-based foods reminiscent of the Mediterranean diet.

Fri 04 Aug 2023, 13:22 | Tags: Health, diabetes, Diet

Academics investigate how gaming can train crucial employability skills

An international team of researchers including the University of Warwick are investigating how playing video games is helping to develop vital skills needed in the 21st Century workforce.

Fri 04 Aug 2023, 10:21 | Tags: research, Education

How people feel about their sleep matters to their well-being, new research suggests

How people feel about their sleep has a greater impact on their well-being than what sleep-tracking technology says about their sleep quality, research led by the University of Warwick has found.

Fri 04 Aug 2023, 10:09 | Tags: research, psychology, sleep, wellbeing

The University of Warwick is in the running for University of the Year in the UK Social Mobility Awards

The University of Warwick has been nominated for University of the Year by the UK Social Mobility Awards, 2023. Social mobility refers to a change in a person’s socio-economic situation, linked to equality of opportunity. Warwick’s commitment to widening participation has been recognised as the university is on this year’s shortlist.

Thu 03 Aug 2023, 16:42 | Tags: widening participation

In memory of former Vice-Chancellor, Professor David Vande Linde

The University of Warwick is deeply saddened to hear that the former Vice-Chancellor, Professor David VandeLinde, has recently passed away.

Thu 03 Aug 2023, 09:59

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