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New health economic framework to help assess what might be required to eliminate African sleeping sickness by 2030

Several diseases have been earmarked for elimination or eradication based on factors such as feasibility, lives saved and the possibility of long-run cost-savings. The cost of elimination strategies, however, can become very high as you approach zero transmission. An international group of researchers have created a new health economic framework that supports decision makers and funders in understanding the resources required to achieve the World Health Organization’s (WHO) goal of eliminating sleeping sickness by 2030.

New Warwick scholarship to support future leaders of Sub-Saharan Africa

The brightest minds from across Sub-Saharan Africa, who have been orphaned or grown up with a single parent, will have the opportunity to study at the University of Warwick, thanks to a new partnership with the Ashinaga Association in the UK.

Fri 27 Aug 2021, 09:31 | Tags: Fundraising, Africa, Scholarship

Chitin can be successfully extracted from Black Soldier Fly husks

Chitin is a naturally occurring polymer from the husks of Black Soldier Fly larvae, usually considered a waste product from the farming of the Black Soldier Fly larvae. However, researchers from WMG at the University of Warwick decided to see if they could extract chitin from the husks, creating a new economic opportunity.

Tue 27 Apr 2021, 10:26 | Tags: WMG, Africa

Warwick Economics graduate to head International Finance Corporation

Makhtar Diop, a graduate of the University of Warwick’s Department of Economics, has been appointed as the Managing Director and Executive Vice President to head the International Finance Corporation (IFC), an arm of the World Bank Group.

Warwick Researchers to provide COVID-19 Intervention Modelling for East Africa (CIMEA)

A £1m grant from the Wellcome Trust has enabled researchers from the School of Life Sciences at the University of Warwick, to work with East African countries in their emergency preparations for COVID-19 as the pandemic spreads across Africa.

Warwick expertise supports developing biomedicine talent in Africa

A University of Warwick scientist is spearheading efforts to ‘upskill’ some of Africa’s brightest up-and-coming bioscientists. Dr Samuel Dean from Warwick Medical School is one of a group of scientists from UK universities spearheading a course in Ghana to provide talented students with access to bioscience researchers at the cutting-edge of their fields, as well as professional development support.

Fri 21 Feb 2020, 13:09 | Tags: WMS, Africa, Warwick Medical School, Health and Medicine

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