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Construction begins on new hi-tech greenhouse at the University of Warwick’s Wellesbourne Campus

Work is underway on an innovative new greenhouse research facility at the University of Warwick’s Wellesbourne Campus.

Warwick technicians nominated for prestigious Papin Prize

Three technicians from the University of Warwick have been nominated for the prestigious Papin Prize out of 20,000 technicians from Universities across the UK.

Tue 21 May 2019, 14:15 | Tags: Physics, School of Life Sciences, research, Sciences

Beer and fodder crop has been deteriorating for 6000 years

The diversity of the crop Sorghum, a cereal used to make alcoholic drinks, has been decreasing over time due to agricultural practice. To maintain the diversity of the crop and keep it growing farmers will need to revise how they manage it.

The milkweed bug’s orange wings and DNA: how insects’ diets are revealed by the genome

An international collaboration of researchers, including from the School of Life Sciences at the University of Warwick, have sequenced the genome of the milkweed bug, enabling scientists to understand at the molecular level what makes the bug, from its colourful development to its toxic diet.

Tue 02 Apr 2019, 08:02 | Tags: School of Life Sciences, genome, Sciences

Salmonella could be combated by enhancing body’s natural process

Autophagy – the process of recycling cellular material in the body, can help combat Salmonella and other pathogens according to researchers at the School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick who have studied how autophagy can get rid of bacteria, and prevent diseases developing.

Man’s impact on flax evolution more limited than thought

Flax naturally adapted to new environments rather than by human influence due to a set of genes that enable it to change its architecture according to researchers from the School of Life Sciences at the University of Warwick.

Wed 30 Jan 2019, 10:00 | Tags: School of Life Sciences, Evolution, flax, Sciences

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