NCRC Conversation Series
NCRC Conversation Series
The National Centre for Research Culture (NCRC) 'Conversation Series' is an opportunity for those working on research culture projects to share their work in an open online forum.
The conversation series will be held on a regular, ongoing basis. Details of current and previous events can be accessed on this page.
Sessions are made available to anyone who has an interest in research culture (including, for example, researchers, research enablers, technicians, research developers, policymakers, funders, publishers, industry etc) and will be free to attend, using an online format.
Want to present at a future conversation series?
We are looking for speakers from networks, organisations or higher education institutions who have been involved in projects that have made a difference to research culture.
This could be from externally funded projects, or institutional projects in an area of research culture. The format of these sessions are negotiable and can take different approaches, such as online workshops, seminars or group discussions. For a discussion about the most appropriate format for your session, please complete the expressions of interest form.Link opens in a new window
Research Culture Topic | Title and Date | Description | Registration Link / Link to Resources |
Open Research | Towards a National Open Research Culture, with a Training Community of Practice Monday 31st March 2025, 3:00 - 4:00pm |
Join Steve Boneham and Joe Corneli for a discussion on the intersection of research culture and open research. In this webinar, we will reflect on a series of events and activities organised within the UK Reproducibility Network’s (UKRN) Training Community of Practice. The session will outline the development of a training community of practice, which aims at accelerating the uptake of open research practices by improving institutional training in this area. The community has been involved in co-designing resources and fostering peer-to-peer learning. The aim is to increase both the quantity and quality of training at UKRN Open Research Programme institutions and beyond, ultimately leading to a more cohesive, participatory research culture. We will consider the wide range of ways for community members to contribute to new resources and reflect on ways to improve their training practices. We’ll also touch on recent discussions about epistemic diversity and interdisciplinary working. Presenters: Joe CorneliLink opens in a new window is Open Research Project Manager and UKRN Local Network Lead at Oxford Brookes University. He is a core contributor to the Peeragogy project, which began in 2012, and which collects design patterns for effective peer learning and peer production. Steve BonehamLink opens in a new window is Open Research Training & Development Officer at Newcastle University. Prior to this, he began his research career working on HIV vaccines, then joined a Jisc service focused on using the internet for teaching and learning, and later worked on OA support at the Newcastle University library. |
Register here |