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Project Governance

Collaborative Project Steering Committee

To work together to help steer and develop the project and attend Steering Committee meetings during this phase of the project.

Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor Research

Jon CoaffeeLink opens in a new window

Jon is a Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor Chair (Research) with a focus upon research impact, governance and ethics and an appointed member of the ESRC Strategic Advisory Network (SAN)

He is also the Director of the Warwick Institute for the Science of Cities (WISC), an Exchange Professor at New York University’s Center for Urban Science and Progress

(CUSP) and an expert member of EU and UN policy groups linked of protective security and disaster recovery.

Jon is also a Professor in Urban Geography based in PAIS. His interdisciplinary research focuses upon the interplay of physical and socio-political aspects of urban resilience and national security and he has also published widely, especially on the impact of terrorism, climate change and other security concerns on the functioning of cities.

During this research he has worked closely with a range of public, private and Third sector stakeholders to ensure his research is co-produced and has real world impact.

Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor Regional

Nigel Driffield

Nigel is Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor for Regional Engagement and works with a number of stakeholders, both locally and nationally on issues relating to inward investment and economic development.

Nigel is also a Professor of International Business at Warwick Business School with research interests currently revolving around the links between FDI and productivity, and also better understanding the drivers of productivity at the regional level.

Nigel has held 8 ESRC awards, a Leverhulme Fellowship and have carried out research and consultancy projects for UNCTAD, OECD, World Bank, European Commission, and in the UK several Government Departments including the Office for Investment and Department for Business and Trade, as well as several local Regional Development bodies in the UK and elsewhere.

Nigel contributes to a regular commentary on the inward investment position in the UK, and has recently completed a report for the Office for Investment and the Department for Business and Trade on how FDI policy can be more transformational for regional productivity.

Productivity Institute Profile PageLink opens in a new window

Director of Warwick Institute of Engagement

Helen Wheatley

Helen is an experienced leader in public engagement and delivering research impact. She has led and participated in a variety of projects that take research out of the university and into our wider communities.

In 2020-2022, Helen assumed the role of Director of Warwick Institute for Engagement’s City of Culture Programme and the Resonate Festival.

Following this, she took on the role of Partnerships Lead, strengthening our ongoing work with cultural organisations and communities and working with our Regional Fellows, and she is now Academic Director of the Institute. Helen is Professor of Film and Television Studies. She is also co-founder of the Centre for Television Histories.

Helen is committed to supporting and championing public engagement activities and research which are co-designed or co-produced with partners outside of the university. This approach recognises the valuable skills, experience and knowledge of the people we work with, both inside and outside the university.

Head of Skills, Employment and Adult Education

Kim Mawby


Strategic Lead: Green Futures

Rhian Palmer


Strategic Lead: Economic Development

Steve Weir


Digital Services and Inclusion Lead

Laura Waller


Principle Investigator Coventry Health Determinants Research Collaboration

Paramjit Gill, Warwick Medical School


Principle Investigator Coventry Health Determinants Research Collaboration

Graeme Currie, Warwick Business School

Graeme is a Professor of Public Management at Warwick Business School. His research focuses upon evidence-based health & care improvement, with particular interest in leadership, innovation, & workforce development. He was Principal Investigator on ESRC funded EXIT study that identifies how to support innovation for care leavers. He is currently Principal Investigator for Department for Education funded What Works in SEND (Special Education Needs & Disabilities) service improvement research programme in partnership with the Council for Disabled Children, and the implementation science theme for NIHR Applied Research Collaboration West Midlands.

University of Warwick Project Advisory Board

To provide general support and guidance and attend Advisory Board meetings during this phase of the project.

Head of Impact and Assistant Director, Research and Impact Services

Carolyn Silvester


Director of Cultural Partnerships

Jonothan NeelandsLink opens in a new window

Alongside being Warwick's Director of Cultural Partnerships Jonothan is also a Professor of Creative Education.

Jonothan's research interests include the Cultural and Creative Industries; the value of the arts in education and in the broader society; the theory and practice of drama and theatre education; participatory pedagogies and politics; teaching artistry and the work of teaching artists; models of cultural and creative learning; the politics of cultural and education policy-making; teaching in urban settings; creativity and entrepreneurship.

Recent research projects have been in partnership with the Creative Industries Federation, Arts Council England, Department for Education, Higher Education Academy for the Open Space Learning project at Warwick; Birmingham Royal Ballet; Birmingham REP. Theatre; RSC and the National Association of Youth Theatres amongst others.

He has advised government on the identification and training of exceptionally able and motivated young performers and is an Executive Director of Drama UK, which represents industry standard drama training . He is a a Board Member of the Warwick Arts Centre and Patron of the International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA).

Jonothan also works with Coventry City Council on the cities Cultural Strategy and has recently undertake research commission by the Arts and Humanities Research Council

Associate Director, Regional

Martin Price

Martin leads community engagement at the University of Warwick. This includes building relationships with our close neighbours around campus and working with local stakeholders where our students and staff make their homes, to make lasting, positive impacts on people and communities across Coventry and Warwickshire.

Head of Innovation, Research and Impact Services

Mark Bobe


Director of Research Technology and Technical Strategy

Ian Hancox

Ian is the Director of Research Technology and Technical Strategy at the University of Warwick. Ian has helped strategically grow the Research Technology Platforms, an integrated network of world-class core facilities, both number and scale. Through this work, he has supported the development of research technical professionals at Warwick and nationally, through input on initiatives including the Warwick Analytical Science Centre (WASC), TALENT, and the UK Institute of Technical Skills and Strategy (ITSS).

Ian is also a member of the organisation committee for the UK Technology Specialists Network (TSN) and the EPSRC Capital Infrastructure Strategic Advisory Team (SAT).

Coventry and Warwickshire Third Sector Representative