What is is CovenTRY CollaborACTION?
CovenTRY CollaborACTION - Our 'home' of Coventry
Stories can be really helpful in explaining concepts. CovenTRY CollaborACTION is also conscious of the benefits of creativity and 'play' for all ages for wellbeing, connection and innovation.We hope you enjoy our Lego based story and that by the end you understand what CovenTRY CollaborACTION is all about.
So WELCOME, come on in, and join us on this collaborative, action-based, solution focussed journey!
Building Coventry’s Home
A Story of Collaboration and Action
Imagine Coventry as a big, cosy house full of ideas, dreams, and people working together. Now, picture the kitchen in this house — a place where people gather, talk, and figure things out. It’s where the action happens, everyone connects.
This kitchen has a special table, the CovenTRY CollaborACTION table— where new ideas are born, dreams are shared, and plans for the future are made.
But here’s the thing: the table needs building. Not just any table…a Lego table. Real-sized, with tiny bricks. It will take time but the people of Coventry are excited because this table will be important not just for them but for Coventry itself.
"Home has always been where our hearts found peace, even in the most difficult of times."
John Bernard, CovenTRY CollaborACTION Poem

The Plan: Redesigning the City
We know our home—Coventry—needs a bit of a makeover. The city has been around for a while, and with the world changing, we want to update it to make sure it’s a happy, safe, and healthy place. We want the future to be bright, but we also want to take care of today.
The first step?
Building our collaborACTION table for everyone to gather around and work together. We know that making our home, Coventry, ready for the future is going to take time, but we’re up for it. After all, it’s all about creating something great—and fun, too! Every brick, no matter how small, is a step towards making Coventry a better place for everyone.

Starting to Build
At first, we start building alone, brick by brick. But soon, we’ll need more help—researchers, policymakers, the community, and many others who are ready to dive in.
What’s special about Lego is that you can change the design as you go! As we build, we talk, share ideas, and have fun with each block that clicks into place. We’re not just creating a table; we’re creating a space where big ideas are discussed, and dreams take shape. This table—and the actions we take—could help shape the future of Coventry.
We’re working together to redesign aspects of our home, our city, to keep trying to make it the very best version of itself, the best it can be.

Co-Designing the Table
’Many hands make light(er) work’
This isn’t just about stacking blocks. It’s about working together, using all the skills and ideas we have, and making something that’s just right for CovenTRY where collaborating and ACTION is key.
So, we invite more to join in. We plan, we build, and most importantly—we have fun doing it.
We know the collaborACTION table has to be big enough for EVERYONE. We are building something much bigger than just a table. We’re building a community that will work together to try to solve complex 'wicked problems' —the challenges facing Coventry.

The table so far…
As collaborACTION is starting to take shape and grow we need this space to reflect on the past, talk about today, and dream about the future.
It’s not just a table for a coffee—it’s a table for big conversations and we need to make sure that everyone has a seat, especially those that don't usually feel heard or seen and those with lived experience relevant to the conversations.
”Bridging the gap between the third sector, researchers, and policy makers effectively.”

Grab Your Blocks and Join In
“The power of dreams”
We know that when we come together, and put our heads and hearts together, we can do seemingly impossible things.
There’s always space for new ideas, and no one gets left behind.
Whether you have big ideas or small, whether you want to add just one block or help design a whole room, there’s always a place at the table.

Together, we’ll take action to exCHANGE knowledge and build impact, perhaps helping to transform Coventry—our home.
Over the next few months, as collaborACTION grows, we begin to speak with more people to understand the needs of our City and how we can collaboratively help make real change.
“Local challenges in need of attention must be addressed collaboratively and creatively”