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Jack Woolley

Jack Woolley

Dr Jack Woolley

Platform Manager, Research Technology Platforms.

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Jack is the platform manager for the Warwick Centre for Ultrafast spectroscopy (WCUS) Research Technology Platform. He has nearly a decade of experience in pump-probe spectroscopy type experiments having first started in gas-phase photoelectron measurements before moving into both condensed and solid state sample measurements. He has been the Platform Manager for WCUS since its founding as an Research Technology Platform in August 2021 and is responsible for the training of users and assisting in measurements along with the maintenance of our equipment. Jack has a solid track record of applying pump-probe spectroscopy to non-traditional measurement environments, including insitu electrochemistry and thin film samples.

Away from his main roles Jack regularly participates in public engagement events, speaking on how he uses lasers in his day to day work and how they are being used for applications in modern society.