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CreaTech at Warwick

About CreaTech

Our ambition is for CreaTech to be seen as central to Warwick as ‘The Innovation University.’ Work is now underway to design the internal infrastructure to enable the ambition. This dovetails with current strategic vision building about the distinctiveness of the Arts at Warwick, the launch of the Research Spotlights, and how Warwick can behave in more agile ways to respond to future funding calls in partnership with industry to facilitate meaningful knowledge exchange and impact.

Have your say

To help us better understand your interest in the CreaTech Network and how best to support you please help us by completing the questions below. This should not take longer than 5 minutes, your responses will help shape the direction of the CreaTech network including its aims, priorities, and how to best communicate opportunities to connect and collaborate with the CreaTech sector.

Your participation is completely voluntary. You can withdraw at any time, and for any reason, simply by closing your browser.

Do you have a research interest in creative technology (CreaTech – please see Tech Nation definition*)
Does your interest in CreaTech extend to (choose all that apply):
Could your existing research be applied to the following CreaTech areas? (choose all that apply):
Are you currently, or have you been, engaged with the CreaTech Industry? (please tick all that apply)
Do you have a future ambition to collaborate with the CreaTech sector?
If yes, what support you need to do this (please tick all that apply)

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

Please indicate below if you would like to receive updates on the CreaTech network, including events, activities, funding information and collaboration R&D opportunities.

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* For more information, please refer to the Tech Nation Annual ReportLink opens in a new window