Yes, although it may need to be marked as a Continued Case Study. In 2021, a Case Study was considered to be Continued if both:
a. the body of underpinning research is the same as described in the 2014 case study. This should not be understood solely in relation to the referenced outputs, but means that the continued case study does not describe any new research having taken place since the previous case study that has made a distinct and material contribution to the impact; and
b. there is significant overlap in the impact described, so that the impact types and beneficiaries are broadly the same as described in the 2014 case study.
A case study will be considered ‘New’ where additional underpinning research has taken place since that described in the previous case study, which has made a distinct and material contribution to the impact, and/or the impact types or beneficiaries have changed.
In all cases, new/continued impacts must have taken place in the relevant submission period.