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Chancellor's Commission Hearing - Coventry, 27 August 0900 - 1200, Old Council House

Jonathan Browning, Commissioner and Chairman of the Coventry & Warwickshire LEP will Chair the first hearing of the Chancellor's Comission into the future roles and impact of the University of Warwick in Coventry over the coming period.

The Commission has been established to consider the future roles of UoW in Coventry, Warwickshire and the wider Midlands; and to create a long term vision and strategies for delivering those roles. A key part of this process is convening five events - focused on Coventry, Warwickshire, local neighbourhoods, the Midlands, and national considerations, respectively.

This hearing will provide an opportunity for people to present their perspectives on the major opportunities and challenges facing the city; and discuss the potential roles and contributions the University of Warwick can make to city priorities.

If you would like to attend please complete the registration form below.


08:30 Registration and coffee/refreshments available
09:00 Welcome and introduction – Jonathan Browning, Chair
09:10 The Commission so far, Key Lines of Inquiry, and purpose of the session – Jo Thomas, Project Manager & David Marlow, Executive Commissioner
09:20 Universities and cities - an external perspective - Kevin Richardson, Local Growth Advisor, HEFCE
09:35 Introductory presentations - Strategic overviews from City Council, Coventry University, a business perspective, Community Empowerment Network, NHS

Follow up presentations in thematic clusters:-

  • economy
  • education
  • cultural
  • community
10:40 Coffee and Tea Break

Round table discussions on key themes

  • building on good practice
  • opportunities and challenges - and how to address them
11:30 Plenary feedback
11:50 Closing remarks and next steps
12:00 Finish


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More information:

Purpose: To enable the Commission to receive and discuss views on UoW impact on, and future contributions to, the economic and social wellbeing of Coventry

Venue: Old Council House, Diamond Rooms 1&2, Coventry

Date: Thursday 27th August 2015

Times: 0830 – 0900 arrival and refreshments, 0900-1200 hearing