Professor Chris Warhurst
Chris Warhurst is an internationally recognised expert on work and employment matters. He is a Trustee and Board Member of the Tavistock Institute in London, an Executive Board member of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, an Associate Research Fellow of SKOPE at the University of Oxford and a member of the Skills Policy Analysis Academic Panel of the UK Government’s Department for Business Innovation & Skills. He was formerly a director of the Scottish Low Pay Unit and an advisor to the Scottish Living Wage campaign.
Before Warwick he was Professor of Work and Organisational Studies at the University of Sydney in Australia and Founding Director of the Scottish Centre for Employment Research in Glasgow in the UK. He has published 15 books, nearly 50 academic journal articles, over 50 book chapters and nearly 40 reports for government and practitioners. He has been awarded nearly 60 research grants by research councils, government, charities, employers and trade unions.
Chris is currently the UK lead of an EU Horizon 2020 research project examining job quality, innovation and employment outcomes. He has been an expert advisor to the UK (on pay, skills), Scottish (on skills, labour market issues, economic development) and Australian Governments (on skills utilisation) and International Expert Adviser to the OECD's LEED programme (Local Economic and Employment Development).