Engineering, Science & Technology Fair
Reflecting student preference, the Engineering, Science & Technology fair caters exclusively for organisations from the Engineering, Manufacturing, Science and Technology sectors and offers you an opportunity to showcase your opportunities. Please speak to the Employer Connect team if you're unsure whether this event is the right fit for your needs.
Students from all STEM departments attend this sector specific event which is well received occurring in week 7 of our busy Autumn term
- Booking and price details available via myAdvantage
- Bookings are now open. To ensure a spread of sectors are present to meet with students needs, places are limited per sector.
- A waiting list in now in operation for those wishing to join us from the Technology sector - please enquire.

12 midday - 4pm
Rootes Building, University of Warwick
"The skills students develop throughout University shape their employability. Our aim is to help students to understand how they can transfer these skills in to the workplace. Applicants who stand out are those who have done research and are well-prepared."
Clare Jones, Student Recruitment Officer, PwC