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International employers

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Connect with our students

Over 30% of Warwick’s student population, approximately 10,000 students, come from 150 countries outside of the UK, including mainland China, Hong Kong, South East Asia, India, Europe, USA and the Middle East.

Download our graduate recruitment brochure

Download our graduate recruitment brochure (Mandarin Version)Link opens in a new window

Vacancy Advertising

Share your job vacancies and internships for free via our careers portal, myAdvantage.


Connect with target groups of Warwick students by delivering a presentation, either live on campus, or virtually


Throughout the year, we offer a range of physical and virtual events and fairs to help you connect with students

TeamWork Virtual International Programme

Engage with a multi-disciplinary, multi-national team of students, to work remotely to provide solutions for your organisation


Our student careers newsletters focus on careers and graduate opportunities in specific countries and regions across the world

Social media

Channels to share your graduate opportunities, information and events with our students

Contact us

Warwick’s Employer Connect International Team enables you to connect and target students from all of our 35 academic departments – we cover all degree disciplines and all year groups.

For more information about how we can help, contact us via our online form or by email at