Inca Hide-Wright's Teamwork experience

Inca Hide-Wright, UG, Psychology
I applied to TeaMWork because I knew that if I didn’t apply, I wouldn’t get it but if I put myself out there, I had a chance of getting this fantastic opportunity. I really didn’t believe I would get this programme but oh my word I was overjoyed when I was accepted and learned even more about what was going to be happening! There have been little downs and big ups throughout this process. However, I gave feedback and made sure this didn’t phase me. This paid off massively!
When people meet me they assume I am a confident person because I love chatting to, helping, and working with people. But prior to, and at the start of the programme, I worried a lot about being too much and thought that holding myself back was better for everyone else involved. This is not the case, and I don’t feel like this anymore because of TeaMWork and the outlook I have.
One of the best feelings I think you can feel is one of making a positive difference, and I really feel like my team, and I have done that. What I hope to do from now on? Make the most of every opportunity, continue to make as many positive differences as I can, and work hard but it won’t really feel like work because I will be enjoying and making the most of all that I can, just like this experience.
I am more determined than ever to take the positives out of every situation and I feel enormously grateful for having this opportunity. If I could be part of TeaMWork every year, I would be the happiest person on the planet!