Summer term
During the Summer term students here at Warwick understandably turn their focus towards their exams. The examination period runs throughout the entire term and so occasions to connect effectively with our students to promote your opportunities are more limited within this timeframe.
Our #MySummerOpportunity campaign offers a carefully curated programme through which you may highlight your opportunities, help students to develop the skills you require and navigate your recruitment process, and connect with students effectively through the events and activities available.
- Advertise and highlight your recruitment campaign and opportunities available. These may include Summer internships and work experience, graduate opportunities, placements and promotion of graduate schemes that open early to applications over the summer months
- Take part in and deliver tailored skills sessions within the #MySummerOpportunity programme
- Raise the profile of your organisation by providing valuable online resources to aid students in their skills development
- Deliver a Café Drop in session to connect informally with students
- Provide Careers stories from Alumni and recent graduates within your organisation
- Join our Virtual Summer Recruitment Fair
Please do not hesitate to contact the Employer Connect team to discuss the #MySummerOpportunity programme and ways in which we can work together in more detail.
Skills Sessions
Hosting a Skills Session offers an excellent opportunity to get involved and support our student community here at Warwick in this new virtual landscape. We expect student interest will remain high with these sessions as students learn to navigate virtual recruitment processes and develop their skills further.
We welcome the opportunity to work in collaboration with you delivering sessions important to your own recruitment process. These sessions will be held virtually - all webinars/workshops will be advertised via MyAdvantage the Student Opportunity #MySummerOpportnity website and will be open to all students.
There is no charge to deliver a skills session with us.
We can support you in delivering workshops and sessions around the following themes that will fit with our #MySummerOpportunity programme:
- Applying early: make the most of your summer
- Application Top Tips
- Video Interview Masterclasses
- Virtual Working in an Online World
- Securing work experience
- Career motivations
- Tailoring CVs and applications to meet recruiter’s needs
If you would like to run alternative sessions to those listed please get in touch to discuss options.
Sessions are being run as part of our #MySummerOpportunity campaign over the Summer term.
Please email employerconnect at warwick dot ac dot uk to register your interest and to secure a date.
The Café – Drop In Sessions
Our Café drop-in sessions provide you with the opportunity to meet and chat with Warwick students in a relaxed and informal way. You will host a virtual Café session where students can drop-in and speak with you on a one-to-one basis or join a more informal group chat. The sessions are designed to offer an alternative way to connect with students in an approachable setting.
Use your drop in for any of the following:
- Promote opportunities you are currently advertising
- Speak with students about your application process, and skills and experience required
- Raise awareness of your organisation
- Talk to students about what it is like to work at your organisation and the culture you create
Drop-in sessions will be promoted using myAdvantage and via our #MySummerOpportnity website and will be open to all students.
Sessions are being run as part of our #MySummerOpportunity campaign throughout the Summer term.
Please email employerconnect at warwick dot ac dot uk to register your interest and to secure a date.
Alumni – Supporting Student Opportunity
We warmly welcome all of our Warwick alumni back to join us in supporting students across the academic year.
You may be looking for a way to give something back to Warwick and support current students as they explore their career choices, or to support your employer as they seek to raise their profile here at Warwick. You may be a recent graduate keen to explore your own career path and access ongoing careers support directly.
Whatever the reason there are many ways that you can make an impact and we welcome your involvement. Students place great value on the support you give and hearing directly from the alumni community can make a significant impression on our students as they carve out their own career journey.
Careers stories
Write or record a careers story to reflect on your own career journey and give students an insight into the sector and job role that you undertake.
Students highly value the insight of Warwick alumni when exploring the opportunities available within a particular sector, as it helps them to piece together impressions of how various options may feel in reality.
We would welcome all contributions and greatly value your input.
Get involved in our events
Throughout the academic year we offer a wide range of activities and events that benefit from Alumni support. The programmes that we offer each term will vary to ensure we are answering student need. Events offered include a virtual speaker series focusing on specific sectors where Alumni will offer personal insight into sectors and talk about their own career journey. These sector events have included Careers in Writing, Careers within the Not-for-Profit sector, Careers in Recruitment and HR, Careers in Marketing, Advertising and PR, Careers in Investment Banking and many others.
Alumni feature heavily within these events and speakers have often attended similar events at Warwick as students and so understand the importance of hearing first hand what a career in these areas actually looks like.
The events constantly evolve in line with student interest and need – please enquire for more details if you would like to support us in this area.
Summer Recruitment Fair
The 2021 Summer Recruitment Fair will take place Tuesday 22nd June from 11am-3pm
The Summer fair is the main careers and employability event within the #MySummerOpportunity programme and takes place in week 9 of the Summer term. The fair attracts students from all disciplines and year groups with students at varying stages of their career planning.
Employers at this event will range from high-profile graduate employers through to local SMEs with organisations attracted from a variety of industry areas.
The virtual fair will be hosted with our partner platform Symplicity which allows employers to:
- Create a profile for your organisation with vacancy listings
- Chat directly to students via one to one video calls
- Host group discussions or presentations throughout the fair to suit your schedule
- View CVs and profiles of students attending
- Track connections with students you speak to on the day
There is no charge to attend the Fair but we ask that employers are able to offer one or more of the following:
- Current opportunities available for those graduating this year
- Graduate schemes with early opening dates – meet our students early and encourage applications over the summer vacations
- Work experience and internships – first and second years attend this fair and will be interested in exploring their career options with you
Places at the Fair will be offered to employers on application - please note that bookings are limited across sectors to ensure a good range of opportunities are available to students - all bookings are provisional until confirmed by the Employer Connect team.
Please book your provisional place at the Summer Fair via MyAdvantage