Publications which cite archives held at the MRC - 2013
Christian Bailey, Open University and University of Oxford:
Between Yesterday and Tomorrow: German Visions of Europe, 1926-1950 (Berghahn Books)
Stuart Ball, University of Leicester:
Portrait of a Party: The Conservative Party in Britain 1918-1945 (Oxford University Press)
Stefanie Börner, Free University of Berlin:
Belonging, Solidarity and Expansion in Social Policy (Palgrave Macmillan)
Jodi Burkett, University of Portsmouth:
Constructing Post-Imperial Britain: Britishness, 'Race' and the Radical Left (Palgrave Macmillan)
Benjamin Coombs, University of Kent:
British Tank Production and the War Economy, 1934-1945 (Bloomsbury Publishing)
Jane Dalrymple, University of the West of England, and Jane Boylan, University of Keele:
Effective Advocacy in Social Work (SAGE Publications Limited)
Ben Edwards:
With God on Our Side: British Christian Responses to the Spanish Civil War (Cambridge Scholars Publishing)
John Field, University of Stirling:
Working Men's Bodies: Work Camps in Britain, 1880-1940 (Manchester University Press)
Keith Gildart, University of Wolverhampton:
Images of England Through Popular Music: Class, Youth and Rock 'n' Roll, 1955-1976 (Palgrave Macmillan)
Francis Graham-Dixon, Humboldt University:
The Allied Occupation of Germany: The Refugee Crisis, Denazification and the Path to Reconstruction (I.B.Tauris)
Emma Griffin, University of East Anglia:
Liberty's Dawn: A People's History of the Industrial Revolution (Yale University Press)
Esmee Hanna:
Student Power! The Radical Days of the English Universities (Cambridge Scholars Publishing)
David Kynaston, Kingston University:
Modernity Britain: Opening the Box, 1957-1959 (Bloomsbury Publishing)
Hilary Marland, University of Warwick:
Health and Girlhood in Britain, 1874-1920 (Palgrave Macmillan)
Wade Matthews, York University, Canada:
The New Left, National Identity, and the Break-up of Britain (BRILL, Historical Materialism Book Series (Book 51))
Linda McDowell, St John’s College, University of Oxford:
Working Lives: Gender, Migration and Employment in Britain, 1945-2007 (Wiley-Blackwell)
Kevin Morgan, University of Manchester:
Bolshevism, syndicalism and the general strike: The lost internationalist world of A.A. Purcell (Lawrence & Wishart Ltd)
Holger Nehring, University of Stirling:
Politics of Security: British and West German Protest Movements and the Early Cold War, 1945-1970 (Oxford University Press)
Dennie Oude Nijhuis, Leiden University:
Labor Divided in the Postwar European Welfare State: The Netherlands and the United Kingdom (Cambridge University Press)
Linda Palfreeman, University of Cardenal Herrera, Elche:
Spain, Aristocrats, Adventurers & Ambulances: British Medical Units in the Spanish Civil War (Sussex Academic Press)
Mark Peel:
Shirley Williams: The Biography (Biteback Publishing)
Francesco Petrini, Università degli Studi di Padova:
Demanding Democracy in the Workplace: The European Trade Union Confederation and the Struggle to Regulate Multinationals - chapter in Societal Actors in European Integration: Polity-Building and Policy-Making 1958–1992, eds. Wolfram Kaiser and Jan-Henrik Meyer (Palgrave Macmillan)
Annie Ravenhill-Johnson, Open University:
The Art and Ideology of the Trade Union Emblem, 1850–1925 (Anthem Press)
Jessica Reinisch, Birkbeck College, University of London:
The Perils of Peace: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany (Oxford University Press)
Michael Shattock, Institute of Education, University of London, former Registrar of the University of Warwick:
Public Expenditure and Tuition (Institute of Education Press)
John Shepherd, University of Huddersfield:
Crisis? What Crisis?: The Callaghan Government and the British ‘Winter of Discontent' (Manchester University Press)
Jessica Squires:
Building Sanctuary: The Movement to Support Vietnam War Resisters in Canada, 1965-73 (University of British Columbia Press)
Daniel Stephen, University of Colorado Boulder:
The Empire of Progress: West Africans, Indians, and Britons at the British Empire Exhibition, 1924-25 (Palgrave Macmillan)
John Stewart, University of Technology of Compiegne:
Child Guidance in Britain, 1918-1955: The Dangerous Age of Childhood (Routledge)
Mathew Thomson, University of Warwick:
Lost Freedom: The Landscape of the Child and the British Post-War Settlement (Oxford University Press)
Jonathan Toms, Institute for the History and Work of Therapeutic Environments (formerly Wellcome Funded Research Fellow at the University of Warwick Centre for the History of Medicine):
Mental Hygiene and Psychiatry in Modern Britain (Palgrave Macmillan)
Christine Wall, University of Westminster:
An Architecture of Parts: Architects, Building Workers and Industrialisation in Britain 1940-1970 (Routledge)
Robert Anthony Waters, Jr., Ohio Northern University:
More subtle than we knew: The AFL in the British Caribbean - chapter in American Labor's Global Ambassadors: The International History of the AFL-CIO During the Cold War, eds. Geert Van Goethem and Robert Anthony Waters Jr (AIAA)
Tom Woodin, Gary McCulloch and Steven Cowan, Institute of Education, University of London:
Secondary Education and the Raising of the School-Leaving Age: Coming of Age? (Palgrave Macmillan)
Donald Bloxham, University of Edinburgh:
From the International Military Tribunal to the Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings: The American Confrontation with Nazi Criminality Revisited (History, vol.98, issue 332)
Henrietta Ewart, University of Warwick:
Protecting the honour of the daughters of Eire: welfare policy for Irish female migrants to England, 1940–70 (Irish Studies Review, vol.21, issue 1)
Mark Freeman, Institute of Education, University of London:
‘Splendid Display; Pompous Spectacle’: historical pageants in twentieth-century Britain (Social History, vol.38, Issue 4)
Talvinder Gill, University of Warwick:
The Indian Workers’ Association Coventry 1938–1990: Political and Social Action (South Asian History and Culture, vol.4, issue 4)
Lee Grieveson, University College London:
What is the Value of a Technological History of Cinema? (Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media 6)
David W. Gutzke, Missouri State University:
Tennent's Lager, National Identity and Football in Scotland, 1960s–90s (Sport in History, vol.32, issue 4)
Jameel Hampton:
Discovering Disability: The General Classes of Disabled People and the Classic Welfare State, 1948–1964 (The Historian, vol.75, issue 1)
Robert A. Hart and J. Elizabeth Roberts, University of Stirling:
Industrial Composition, Methods of Compensation and Real Earnings in the Great Depression (National Institute Economic Review, vol.226)
Robert Howes, King's College London:
Changing attitudes towards economic development and democracy in Brazil: Roberto Simonsen, Ernest Hambloch and the Brazilian Commercial Mission to the UK in 1919 (Journal of Transatlantic Studies, vol.11, issue 4)
Richard Jobson, University of Bristol:
‘Waving the Banners of a Bygone Age’, Nostalgia and Labour's Clause IV Controversy, 1959–60 (Contemporary British History, vol.27, issue 2)
Simon Joyce, Hertfordshire Business School:
The Engineering Employers' Federation and the Crisis of 1989: A Case Study in the Decline of Multi-Employer Bargaining (Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, no.34)
Graham Macklin, University of Huddersfield:
‘Onward Blackshirts!’ Music and the British Union of Fascists (Patterns of Prejudice, vol.47, issue 4/5)
Cathie Jo Martin, Boston University:
Party Politics and the Default Move from Coordination to Liberalism (Business History Review, vol.87, issue 3)
Wade Matthews, York University, Canada:
Remaking E.P. Thompson (Labour / Le Travail, issue 72)
Alan McKinlay, Newcastle University Business School:
Banking, bureaucracy and the career: the curious case of Mr Notman (Business History, vol.55, issue 3)
Janet Miller, University of the West of England:
Turf Wars: Stable Lads' Strikes and Union Recognition in the Twentieth Century (Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, no.34)
Rory M. Miller, University of Liverpool Management School:
Financing British manufacturing multinationals in Latin America, 1930–65 (Business History, vol.55, issue 5)
Alex Mold, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine:
Repositioning the patient: Patient organizations, consumerism, and autonomy in Britain during the 1960s and 1970s (Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol.87, no.2)
Kevin Morgan, University of Manchester:
Class Cohesion and Trade-Union Internationalism: Fred Bramley, the British TUC, and the Anglo-Russian Advisory Council (International Review of Social History, vol 58, part 3)
Stephen Murray, Swansea University:
Transatlantic Migration and the Amalgamated Society of Engineers in Fall River, Massachusetts, 1873-79 (Labour History Review, vol.78, no.2)
Greg Patmore, University of Sydney:
Unionism and non-union employee representation: The interwar experience in Canada, Germany, the US and the UK (The Journal of Industrial Relations, vol.55, no.4)
David Redvaldsen, University College London:
The Eugenics Society's Outreach to the Labour Movement in Britain, 1907-1945 (Labour History Review, vol 78, no.3)
Tim Rogan, Peterhouse, University of Cambridge:
Karl Polanyi at the margins of English socialism, 1934-1947 (Modern Intellectual History, vol.10, issue 2)
Neil Rollings, University of Glasgow:
Cracks in the Post-War Keynesian Settlement? The Role of Organised Business in Britain in the Rise of Neoliberalism Before Margaret Thatcher (Twentieth Century British History, vol.24, issue 4)
Christian Schlaepfer, University of Cambridge:
Industrial subversion in early Cold War Britain (Inteligencia y Seguridad, no.13)
Andrew Seltzer, Royal Holloway, University of London:
The impact of female employment on male salaries and careers: evidence from the English banking industry, 1890–1941 (The Economic History Review, vol.66, no.4)
Ryan Shaffer, Institute for Global Studies at the State University of New York:
The soundtrack of neo-fascism: youth and music in the National Front (Patterns of Prejudice, vol.47, issue 4/5)
Richard Temple, Senate House Library, London:
‘A difficult and peculiar section’: Provincial Bus Company Workers, 1934–47, (Labour History Review, vol.78, no.2)
Mark Wickham-Jones, University of Bristol:
The New Left's Economic Model: The Challenge to Labour Party Orthodoxy (Renewal, vol.21, no.1)
Locomotion: Dan Snow's History of Railways (BBC)
Peaky Blinders (BBC)