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Publications which cite archives held at the MRC - 2019


Paul Almond, University of Reading, and Mike Esbester, University of Portsmouth:

Health and Safety in Contemporary Britain: Society, Legitimacy, and Change since 1960 (Palgrave Macmillan)

Maggie Andrew, Alison Fell, Lucy Noakes, June Purvis (eds.):

British Women's Histories of the First World War: Representing, Remembering, Rewriting (Routledge)

Rabia Arif and Elisabetta Mori, Middlesex University, and Giuseppe Primiero, University of Milan:

Validity and Correctness Before the OS: the Case of LEO I and LEO II, chapter in Reflections on Programming Systems: Historical and Philosophical Aspects, eds. Liesbeth De Mol and Giuseppe Primiero (Springer)

Paula Bartley:

Labour Women in Power: Cabinet Ministers in the Twentieth Century (Palgrave Macmillan)

Wolfgang Bialas:

Aurel Kolnai's The War AGAINST the West Reconsidered (Routledge)

Kate Bradley, University of Kent:

Lawyers for the poor: Legal advice, voluntary action and citizenship in England, 1890–1990 (Manchester University Press)

Paul Bridgen, University of Southampton:

British employers and the development of state protection for unemployment, sickness and old age, 1900–1990, chapter in Business Interests and the Development of the Modern Welfare State, ed. Dennie Oude Nijhuis

Peter Dorey, Cardiff University:

Comrades in Conflict: Labour, the Trade Unions and 1969's in Place of Strife (Manchester University Press)

Richard J. Evans, Cambridge University:

Eric Hobsbawm: A Life in History (Little, Brown)

David Featherstone, University of Glasgow:

Reading Subaltern Studies Politically: Histories from Below, Spatial Relations, and Subalternity, chapter in Subaltern Geographies, eds. Tariq Jazeel and Stephen Legg (University of Georgia Press)

Christopher Frank, University of Manitoba:

Workers, Unions and Payment in Kind: The Fight for Real Wages in Britain, 1820–1914 (Routledge)

Chris Hanvey:

Shaping Children's Services (Routledge)

Anne J. Kershen, Queen Mary, University of London:

Pragmatism or politics: Leeds Jewish tailors and Leeds Jewish tailoring trade unions, 1876–1915, chapter in Leeds and its Jewish Community, ed. Derek Fraser.

Jon Lawrence, University of Exeter:

Me, Me, Me?: Individualism and the Search for Community in Post-War England (Oxford University Press)

Keith Laybourn, University of Huddersfield:

Going to the dogs: A history of greyhound racing in Britain, 1926–2017 (Manchester University Press)

Vicky Long, Newcastle University:

Citizens, Patients or Paupers? Class and Mental Health in Post-War Britain, chapter in Social Class and Mental Illness in Northern Europe, eds. Petteri Pietikäinen and Jesper Vaczy Kragh (Routledge)

Louise Miskell (ed.):

New Perspectives on Welsh Industrial History (University of Wales Press)

Jonathan Moss, University of Sussex:

Women, workplace protest and political identity in England, 1968-85 (Manchester University Press)

Gyan Prakash, Princeton University:

Emergency Chronicles: Indira Gandhi and Democracy's Turning Point (Princeton University Press)

Nancy Rosoff, Arcadia University, and Stephanie Spencer, University of Winchester:

Sociability, chapter in British and American School Stories, 1910–1960 (Palgrave Macmillan)

Jack Saunders, University of Warwick:

Assembling cultures: Workplace activism, labour militancy and cultural change in Britain’s car factories, 1945–82 (Manchester University Press)

Laura Schwartz, University of Warwick:

Feminism and the Servant Problem: Class and Domestic Labour in the Women's Suffrage Movement (Cambridge University Press)

Oliver Soden:

Michael Tippett: The Biography (Weidenfeld and Nicolson)

Paul Spence, King’s College London:

Digitally Mediated Memory and the Spanish Civil War, chapter in Public Humanities and the Spanish Civil War: Connected and Contested Histories, eds. Alison Ribeiro de Menezes, Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez and Adrian Shubert (Palgrave Macmillan)

Christopher Stray, Christopher Pelling and Stephen Harrison (eds.):

Rediscovering E. R. Dodds: Scholarship, Education, Poetry, and the Paranormal (OUP Oxford)

Robert Teigrob, Ryerson University:

Four Days in Hitler’s Germany: Mackenzie King’s Mission to Avert a Second World War (University of Toronto Press)

David Thackeray, University of Exeter:

Forging a British World of Trade: Culture, Ethnicity, and Market in the Empire-Commonwealth, 1880-1975 (OUP Oxford)

Geert Van Goethem, Universiteit Gent:

La Federación Sindical Internacional (1913-1945) : la primera organización sindical supranacional, chapter in Internacionalismo y diplomacia sindical (1888-1986), ed. Manuela Aroca Mohedano (Los Libros de la Catarata)

Susan Zimmermann, Central European University, Budapest:

Framing Working Women’s Rights Internationally: Contributions of the IFTU Women’s International, chapter in The Internationalisation of the Labour Question: Ideological Antagonism, Workers’ Movements and the ILO since 1919, eds. Stefano Bellucci and Holger Weiss (Palgrave Macmillan)



Jörg Arnold, University of Nottingham:

‘That rather sinful city of London’: the coal miner, the city and the country in the British cultural imagination, c. 1969–2014 (Urban History)

Matthew Broad, Leiden University:

Negotiating ‘outer Europe’: the Trades Union Congress (TUC), transnational trade unionism and European integration in the 1950s (History of European Ideas)

Phil Child, University of Birmingham:

Blacktown, Mass-observation, and the Dynamics of Voluntary Action in Mid-Twentieth-Century England (The Historical Journal)

David Collins and Nick Butler:

Success and Failure in Professional Projects: The Nature, Contours and Limits of Consulting Professionalism (British Journal of Management)

Kieran Connell, Queen's University, Belfast:

PROS: The Programme for the Reform of the Law on Soliciting, 1976–1982 (Twentieth Century British History)

Jack Copley, University of Warwick:

Why were capital controls abandoned? The case of Britain’s abolition of exchange controls, 1977–1979 (The British Journal of Politics and International Relations)

Henry Dee, University of Edinburgh:

‘I am a bad native’: Masculinity and marriage in the biographies of Clements Kadalie (African Studies, vol.78, issue 2)

Maria-Daniella Dick, Kirsty Lusk and Willy Maley, University of Glasgow:

“The Agitator’s Wife” (1894): the story behind James Connolly’s lost play? (Irish Studies Review, vol.29, issue 1)

Sara Dominici, University of Westminster:

New mobile experiences of vision and modern subjectivities in Late Victorian Britain (Science Museum Group Journal)

Christos Efstathiou, University of Warwick:

‘The Great Debate’: Welfarism, Objectivity, and Cold War Ideology in the Workers’ Educational Association (Labour History Review, vol.84, issue 1)

Roger Fagge, University of Warwick:

Eric Hobsbawm and the Significance of Jazz (Cultural and Social History)

R.H. Fryer:

Reforming Trade-Union Governance: The Reorganization of the National Union of Public Employees (Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, vol.40)

R.H. Fryer and Stephen Williams:

Latecomers to Trade-Union Democracy: The Emergence, Growth, and Role of Union Stewards in the National Union of Public Employees (Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, vol.40)

Sophie Greenway, University of Warwick:

Producer or Consumer? The House, the Garden and the Sourcing of Vegetables in Britain, 1930–1970 (Cultural and Social History)

Noemi de Haro García, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid:

“Escribimos libertad con mano encadenada”. Notas sobre una pintura realizada por Agustín Ibarrola en la cárcel de Burgos (Archivo Español de Arte, vol.92, no.365)

Claire Hilton:

A Tale of Two Inquiries: Sans Everything and Ely (The Political Quarterly)

Jonathan Hyslop:

British Steamship Workers, c. 1875–1945: Precarious before Precarity (Labour History, vol.116)

Rami Kaplan, Open University of Israel, and Daniel Kinderman, University of Delaware:

The business-class case for corporate social responsibility: mobilization, diffusion, and institutionally transformative strategy in Venezuela and Britain (Theory and Society, vol.48, issue 1)

Rachel Leow, University of Cambridge:

A Missing Peace: The Asia-Pacific Peace Conference in Beijing, 1952 and the Emotional Making of Third World Internationalism (Journal of World History)

Laura López-Martín, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos:

Help Spain by showing films. British film production for humanitarian aid during the Spanish Civil War (Culture & History Digital Journal, 8(2))

Gordon Lynch, University of Kent:

Pathways to the 1946 Curtis Report and the post-war reconstruction of children’s out-of-home care (Contemporary British History)

J. Patrice McSherry, University of Santiago, Chile:

Operation Condor and Transnational State Violence against Exiles (Journal of Global South Studies, vol.36, no.2)

Elisabetta Mori, Middlesex University:

Coping With the “American Giants” (IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol.41, issue 4)

Shelly Newstead, University College London:

Le playwork à la recherche d’une identité perdue (Sciences de Jeu)

Dennie Oude Nijhuis, Leiden University:

Business, labour and the costs of welfare state development (Journal of European Social Policy)

Linda Palfreeman, Universidad CEU Cardinal Herrera, and Peter Pinkerton, University of Toronto:

Transfusion in the Spanish Civil War: Supply and demand, the role of the “blood transfusion officer” and British planning for the outbreak of the Second World War (Transfusion and Apheresis Science, vol.58, issue 6)

Francesco Petrini, University of Padua:

Stabilization through integration: the European rescue of Italian capitalism (European Review of History, vol.26, issue 4)

Sian Rhiannon Williams:

The 'troublous question of the married women teachers': The Aberdare dismissals of 1908 (Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education, vol.21, no.1)

John E. Richardson, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia:

British fascism, fascist culture, British culture (Patterns of Prejudice)

Emma Robertson and Lee-Ann Monk, La Trobe University:

“When Women Do the Work of Men”: Representations of Gendered Occupational Identities on British Railways in World War I Cartoons (Labour History)

Alessandro Saluppo, University of Padua:

Strikebreaking and Anti-Unionism on the Waterfront: The Shipping Federation, 1890–1914 (European History Quarterly)

Jack Saunders, University of Warwick:

Emotions, Social Practices and the Changing Composition of Class, Race and Gender in the National Health Service, 1970–79: ‘Lively Discussion Ensued’ (History Workshop Journal)

Paul Smith, Keele University:

Rookes v. Barnard and the trade union question in British politics (Industrial Relations Journal)

James F. Stark and Catherine Stones, University of Leeds:

Constructing representations of germs in the twentieth century (Cultural and Social History)

Sam Warner, University of Birmingham:

The ‘majesty of the law’: depoliticisation, the Rule of Law and judicial independence (British Politics)

(Re)politicising ‘the governmental’: Resisting the Industrial Relations Act 1971 (British Journal of Politics and International Relations)

Michael Weatherburn, Imperial College, London:

Human Relations’ invented traditions: Sociotechnical research and worker motivation at the interwar Rowntree Cocoa Works (Human Relations)